- Use separate email-token for incoming email and revert back the inactive feature. !5914
- Replace jQuery.timeago with timeago.js. !6274 (ClemMakesApps)
- Add CI notifications. Who triggered a pipeline would receive an email after the pipeline is succeeded or failed. Users could also update notification settings accordingly. !6342
- Finer-grained Git gargage collection. !6588
- Introduce better credential and error checking to `rake gitlab:ldap:check`. !6601
- Process commits using a dedicated Sidekiq worker. !6802
- Fix showing pipeline status for a given commit from correct branch. !7034
- Add query param to filter users by external & blocked type. !7109 (Yatish Mehta)
- Issues atom feed url reflect filters on dashboard. !7114 (Lucas Deschamps)
- Add setting to only allow merge requests to be merged when all discussions are resolved. !7125 (Rodolfo Arruda)
- Remove an extra leading space from diff paste data. !7133 (Hiroyuki Sato)
- Fix 404 on network page when entering non-existent git revision. !7172 (Hiroyuki Sato)
-[Workflow](workflow/README.md) Using GitLab functionality and importing projects from GitHub and SVN.
-[University](university/README.md) Learn Git and GitLab through videos and courses.
-[Git Attributes](user/project/git_attributes.md) Managing Git attributes using a `.gitattributes` file.
-[Git cheatsheet](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/marketing/raw/master/design/print/git-cheatsheet/print-pdf/git-cheatsheet.pdf) Download a PDF describing the most used Git operations.
1.[GitLab architecture for noobs](https://dev.gitlab.org/gitlab/gitlabhq/blob/master/doc/development/architecture.md)
1.[Client Assessment of GitLab versus GitHub](https://docs.google.com/a/gitlab.com/spreadsheets/d/18cRF9Y5I6I7Z_ab6qhBEW55YpEMyU4PitZYjomVHM-M/edit?usp=sharing)