| `api_key` | string | true | API key used for authentication with Datadog |
| `api_key` | string | true | API key used for authentication with Datadog |
| `api_url` | string | false | (Advanced) The full URL for your Datadog site |
| `api_url` | string | false | (Advanced) The full URL for your Datadog site |
<!-- | `archive_trace_events` | boolean | false | When enabled, job logs are collected by Datadog and displayed along with pipeline execution traces ([introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/346339) in GitLab 14.7) | -->
<!-- TODO: uncomment the archive_trace_events field once :datadog_integration_logs_collection is rolled out. Rollout issue: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/346339 -->
| `datadog_env` | string | false | For self-managed deployments, set the env% tag for all the data sent to Datadog. |
| `datadog_env` | string | false | For self-managed deployments, set the env% tag for all the data sent to Datadog. |
| `datadog_service` | string | false | Tag all data from this GitLab instance in Datadog. Useful when managing several self-managed deployments |
| `datadog_service` | string | false | Tag all data from this GitLab instance in Datadog. Useful when managing several self-managed deployments |
| `datadog_site` | string | false | The Datadog site to send data to. To send data to the EU site, use `datadoghq.eu` |
| `datadog_site` | string | false | The Datadog site to send data to. To send data to the EU site, use `datadoghq.eu` |
<!-- | `archive_trace_events` | boolean | false | When enabled, job logs are collected by Datadog and displayed along with pipeline execution traces ([introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/346339) in GitLab 14.7) | -->
<!-- TODO: uncomment the archive_trace_events field once :datadog_integration_logs_collection is rolled out. Rollout issue: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/346339 -->
updated_repository_storages=Projects::RepositoryStorageMove.select("project_id, MAX(updated_at) as updated_at").where(project_id: project_ids).group(:project_id)
WITH repository_storage_cte as #{Gitlab::Database::AsWithMaterialized.materialized_if_supported} (
UPDATE projects
SET updated_at = (repository_storage_cte.updated_at + interval '1 second')
FROM repository_storage_cte
WHERE projects.id = repository_storage_cte.project_id AND projects.updated_at <= repository_storage_cte.updated_at