-**Severity** - The current importance of a alert and how much attention it should receive.
-**Start time** - How long ago the alert fired. This field uses the standard GitLab pattern of `X time ago`, but is supported by a granular date/time tooltip depending on the user's locale.
-**End time** - How long ago the alert fired was resolved. This field uses the standard GitLab pattern of `X time ago`, but is supported by a granular date/time tooltip depending on the user's locale.
-**Alert description** - The description of the alert, which attempts to capture the most meaningful data.
-**Event count** - The number of times that an alert has fired.
-**Status** - The [current status](#alert-management-statuses) of the alert.
### Alert Management statuses
Each alert contains a status dropdown to indicate which alerts need investigation.
Standard alert statuses include `triggered`, `acknowledged`, and `resolved`:
-**Triggered**: No one has begun investigation.
-**Acknowledged**: Someone is actively investigating the problem.