Commit 661f5136 authored by Aleksei Lipniagov's avatar Aleksei Lipniagov

Increase PumaWorkerKiller memory limit for dev

parent c7a1d498
......@@ -3,7 +3,12 @@
module Gitlab
module Cluster
class PumaWorkerKillerInitializer
def self.start(puma_options, puma_per_worker_max_memory_mb: 850, puma_master_max_memory_mb: 550)
def self.start(
puma_per_worker_max_memory_mb: 850,
puma_master_max_memory_mb: 550,
puma_dev_max_memory_mb: 200
require 'puma_worker_killer'
PumaWorkerKiller.config do |config|
......@@ -14,7 +19,11 @@ module Gitlab
# The Puma Worker Killer checks the total RAM used by both the master
# and worker processes.
config.ram = puma_master_max_memory_mb + (worker_count * puma_per_worker_max_memory_mb)
# Additional memory is added when running in `development`
config.ram = puma_master_max_memory_mb +
(worker_count * puma_per_worker_max_memory_mb) +
(Rails.env.development? ? (1 + worker_count) * puma_dev_max_memory_mb : 0)
config.frequency = 20 # seconds
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