1. Force push your changes to overwrite all branches on GitLab:
git push origin --force'refs/heads/*'
[Protected branches](../protected_branches.md) cause this to fail. To proceed, you must
remove branch protection, push, and then re-enable protected branches.
1. To remove large files from tagged releases, force push your changes to all tags on GitLab:
git push origin --force'refs/tags/*'
[Protected tags](../protected_tags.md) cause this to fail. To proceed, you must remove tag
protection, push, and then re-enable protected tags.
1. To prevent dead links to commits that no longer exist, push the `refs/replace` created by `git filter-repo`.
git push origin --force'refs/replace/*'
Refer to the Git [`replace`](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Replace) documentation for information on how this works.
1. Run a [repository cleanup](#repository-cleanup).
Project statistics are cached for performance. You may need to wait 5-10 minutes
to see a reduction in storage utilization.
## Purge files from GitLab storage
In addition to the refs mentioned above, GitLab also creates hidden `refs/keep-around/*`to prevent commits being deleted. Hidden refs are not advertised, which means we can't download them using Git, but these refs are included in a project export.
These refs are not automatically downloaded and hidden refs are not advertised, but we can remove these refs using a project export.