Commit 70bf551c authored by Jamie Reid's avatar Jamie Reid Committed by Marcel Amirault

Add jq section to API CI Lint docs

I wrote a section of "tips and tricks" on using jq,
particularly in the context of POSTing and processing
CI YAML with the GitLab API, as properly assembling JSON
payloads for use with cURL can be difficult.
parent 7d523a37
......@@ -64,7 +64,8 @@ Example responses:
> [Introduced]( in GitLab 13.5.
The CI lint returns an expanded version of the configuration. The expansion does not
work for CI configuration added with [`include: local`](../ci/yaml/
work for CI configuration added with [`include: local`](../ci/yaml/,
or with [`extends:`](../ci/yaml/
Example contents of a `.gitlab-ci.yml` passed to the CI Lint API with
`include_merged_yaml` set as true:
......@@ -145,3 +146,92 @@ Example responses:
"warnings": []
## Use jq to create and process YAML & JSON payloads
To `POST` a YAML configuration to the CI Lint endpoint, it must be properly escaped and JSON encoded.
You can use `jq` and `curl` to escape and upload YAML to the GitLab API.
### Escape YAML for JSON encoding
To escape quotes and encode your YAML in a format suitable for embedding within
a JSON payload, you can use `jq`. For example, create a file named `example-gitlab-ci.yml`:
- if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE=="merge_request_event"'
- src/api/*
- .api_test
- when: manual
allow_failure: true
- echo "hello world"
Next, use `jq` to escape and encode the YAML file into JSON:
jq --raw-input --slurp < example-gitlab-ci.yml
To escape and encode an input YAML file (`example-gitlab-ci.yml`), and `POST` it to the
GitLab API using `curl` and `jq` in a one-line command:
jq --null-input --arg yaml "$(<example-gitlab-ci.yml)" '.content=$yaml' \
| curl '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data @-
### Parse a CI Lint response
To reformat the CI Lint response, you can use `jq`. You can pipe the CI Lint response to `jq`,
or store the API response as a text file and provide it as an argument:
jq --raw-output '.merged_yaml | fromjson' <your_input_here>
Example input:
{"status":"valid","errors":[],"merged_yaml":"---\n:.api_test:\n :rules:\n - :if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE==\"merge_request_event\"\n :changes:\n - src/api/*\n:deploy:\n :rules:\n - :when: manual\n :allow_failure: true\n :extends:\n - \".api_test\"\n :script:\n - echo \"hello world\"\n"}
- :if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE=="merge_request_event"
- src/api/*
- :when: manual
:allow_failure: true
- ".api_test"
- echo "hello world"
With a one-line command, you can:
1. Escape the YAML
1. Encode it in JSON
1. POST it to the API with curl
1. Format the response
jq --null-input --arg yaml "$(<example-gitlab-ci.yml)" '.content=$yaml' \
| curl '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data @- \
| jq --raw-output '.merged_yaml | fromjson'
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