@@ -54,6 +54,51 @@ Each metric is defined in a separate YAML file consisting of a number of fields:
| `options` | no | `object`: options information needed to calculate the metric value. |
| `skip_validation` | no | This should **not** be set. [Used for imported metrics until we review, update and make them valid](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/5425). |
### Metric key_path
The `key_path` of the metric is the location in the JSON Service Ping payload.
The `key_path` could be composed from multiple parts separated by `.` and it must be unique.
We recommend to add the metric in one of the top-level keys:
-`settings`: for settings related metrics.
-`counts_weekly`: for counters that have data for the most recent 7 days.
-`counts_monthly`: for counters that have data for the most recent 28 days.
-`counts`: for counters that have data for all time.
We can't control what the metric's `key_path` is, because some of them are generated dynamically in `usage_data.rb`.
For example, see [Redis HLL metrics](implement.md#redis-hll-counters).
### Metric name
To improve metric discoverability by a wider audience, each metric with
instrumentation added at an appointed `key_path` receives a `name` attribute
filled with the name suggestion, corresponding to the metric `data_source` and instrumentation.
Metric name suggestions can contain two types of elements:
1.**User input prompts**: enclosed by angle brackets (`< >`), these pieces should be replaced or
removed when you create a metrics YAML file.
1.**Fixed suggestion**: plaintext parts generated according to well-defined algorithms.
They are based on underlying instrumentation, and must not be changed.
For a metric name to be valid, it must not include any prompt, and fixed suggestions
must not be changed.
#### Generate a metric name suggestion
The metric YAML generator can suggest a metric name for you.
To generate a metric name suggestion, first instrument the metric at the provided `key_path`.
Then, generate the metric's YAML definition and
return to the instrumentation and update it.
1. Add the metric instrumentation class to `lib/gitlab/usage/metrics/instrumentations/`.
1. Add the metric logic in the instrumentation class.
1. Run the [metrics YAML generator](metrics_dictionary.md#metrics-definition-and-validation).
1. Use the metric name suggestion to select a suitable metric name.
1. Update the metric's YAML definition with the correct `key_path`.
### Metric statuses
Metric definitions can have one of the following statuses:
@@ -81,21 +126,6 @@ which has a related schema in `/config/metrics/objects_schemas/topology_schema.j
-`all`: The metric data applies for the whole time the metric has been active (all-time interval). For example, the following metric counts all users that create issues: `/config/metrics/counts_all/20210216181115_issues.yml`.
-`none`: The metric collects a type of data that's not tracked over time, such as settings and configuration information. Therefore, a time interval is not applicable. For example, `uuid` has no time interval applicable: `config/metrics/license/20210201124933_uuid.yml`.
### Metric name
To improve metric discoverability by a wider audience, each metric with
instrumentation added at an appointed `key_path` receives a `name` attribute
filled with the name suggestion, corresponding to the metric `data_source` and instrumentation.
Metric name suggestions can contain two types of elements:
1.**User input prompts**: Enclosed by `<>`, these pieces should be replaced or
removed when you create a metrics YAML file.
1.**Fixed suggestion**: Plaintext parts generated according to well-defined algorithms.
They are based on underlying instrumentation, and should not be changed.
For a metric name to be valid, it must not include any prompt, and no fixed suggestions
should be changed.
### Data category
We use the following categories to classify a metric: