Commit 7660e320 authored by Andreas Brandl's avatar Andreas Brandl

Adjust api specs for last page link

parent 751fba23
......@@ -594,12 +594,27 @@ describe API::Projects do
expect( { |p| p['id'] }).to contain_exactly(
it 'does not include a link if the end has reached and there is no more data' do
it 'still includes a link if the end has reached and there is no more data after this page' do
get api('/projects', current_user), params: params.merge(id_after:
expect(response.header).to include('Links')
expect(response.header['Links']).to include('pagination=keyset')
expect(response.header['Links']).to include("id_after=#{}")
it 'does not include a next link when the page does not have any records' do
get api('/projects', current_user), params: params.merge(id_after: Project.maximum(:id))
expect(response.header).not_to include('Links')
it 'returns an empty array when the page does not have any records' do
get api('/projects', current_user), params: params.merge(id_after: Project.maximum(:id))
expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(200)
expect(json_response).to eq([])
it 'responds with 501 if order_by is different from id' do
get api('/projects', current_user), params: params.merge(order_by: :created_at)
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