Commit 7cc4a9c2 authored by Pedro Pombeiro's avatar Pedro Pombeiro

Address MR review comments

parent f42fa2c4
......@@ -7,12 +7,20 @@ module Types
value 'ACTIVE',
description: 'Runner that is not paused.',
deprecated: { reason: 'Use CiRunnerType.paused instead', milestone: '14.6' },
deprecated: {
reason: :renamed,
replacement: 'CiRunner.paused',
milestone: '14.6'
value: :active
value 'PAUSED',
description: 'Runner that is paused.',
deprecated: { reason: 'Use CiRunnerType.paused instead', milestone: '14.6' },
deprecated: {
reason: :renamed,
replacement: 'CiRunner.paused',
milestone: '14.6'
value: :paused
value 'ONLINE',
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ module Types
description: 'Indicates the runner is allowed to receive jobs.',
deprecated: { reason: 'Use paused', milestone: '14.8' }
field :paused, GraphQL::Types::Boolean, null: false,
description: 'Indicates the runner is paused and not allowed to receive jobs.'
description: 'Indicates the runner is paused and not available to run jobs.'
field :status,
null: false,
......@@ -9028,7 +9028,7 @@ Represents the total number of issues and their weights for a particular day.
| <a id="cirunnerjobcount"></a>`jobCount` | [`Int`](#int) | Number of jobs processed by the runner (limited to 1000, plus one to indicate that more items exist). |
| <a id="cirunnerlocked"></a>`locked` | [`Boolean`](#boolean) | Indicates the runner is locked. |
| <a id="cirunnermaximumtimeout"></a>`maximumTimeout` | [`Int`](#int) | Maximum timeout (in seconds) for jobs processed by the runner. |
| <a id="cirunnerpaused"></a>`paused` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | Indicates the runner is paused and not allowed to receive jobs. |
| <a id="cirunnerpaused"></a>`paused` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | Indicates the runner is paused and not available to run jobs. |
| <a id="cirunnerprivateprojectsminutescostfactor"></a>`privateProjectsMinutesCostFactor` | [`Float`](#float) | Private projects' "minutes cost factor" associated with the runner ( only). |
| <a id="cirunnerprojectcount"></a>`projectCount` | [`Int`](#int) | Number of projects that the runner is associated with. |
| <a id="cirunnerprojects"></a>`projects` | [`ProjectConnection`](#projectconnection) | Projects the runner is associated with. For project runners only. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
......@@ -16492,12 +16492,12 @@ Values for sorting runners.
| Value | Description |
| ----- | ----------- |
| <a id="cirunnerstatusactive"></a>`ACTIVE` **{warning-solid}** | **Deprecated** in 14.6. Use CiRunnerType.paused instead. |
| <a id="cirunnerstatusactive"></a>`ACTIVE` **{warning-solid}** | **Deprecated** in 14.6. This was renamed. Use: [`CiRunner.paused`](#cirunnerpaused). |
| <a id="cirunnerstatusnever_contacted"></a>`NEVER_CONTACTED` | Runner that has never contacted this instance. Set legacyMode to null to utilize this value. Will replace NOT_CONNECTED starting in 15.0. |
| <a id="cirunnerstatusnot_connected"></a>`NOT_CONNECTED` **{warning-solid}** | **Deprecated** in 14.6. Use NEVER_CONTACTED instead. NEVER_CONTACTED will have a slightly different scope starting in 15.0, with STALE being returned instead after 3 months of no contact. |
| <a id="cirunnerstatusoffline"></a>`OFFLINE` **{warning-solid}** | **Deprecated** in 14.6. This field will have a slightly different scope starting in 15.0, with STALE being returned after a certain period offline. |
| <a id="cirunnerstatusonline"></a>`ONLINE` | Runner that contacted this instance within the last 2 hours. |
| <a id="cirunnerstatuspaused"></a>`PAUSED` **{warning-solid}** | **Deprecated** in 14.6. Use CiRunnerType.paused instead. |
| <a id="cirunnerstatuspaused"></a>`PAUSED` **{warning-solid}** | **Deprecated** in 14.6. This was renamed. Use: [`CiRunner.paused`](#cirunnerpaused). |
| <a id="cirunnerstatusstale"></a>`STALE` | Runner that has not contacted this instance within the last 3 months. Only available if legacyMode is null. Will be a possible return value starting in 15.0. |
### `CiRunnerType`
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