Commit 7d564be8 authored by Steve Abrams's avatar Steve Abrams

Search pypi packages by normalized name

Normalize names of packages per PEP 503
to allow packages with [._-] in their names
to be installed from the GitLab package registry.
parent bcf0fc72
......@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ class Packages::Package < ApplicationRecord
scope :with_name, ->(name) { where(name: name) }
scope :with_name_like, ->(name) { where(arel_table[:name].matches(name)) }
scope :with_normalized_pypi_name, ->(name) { where("LOWER(regexp_replace(name, '[-_.]+', '-', 'g')) = ?", name.downcase) }
scope :search_by_name, ->(query) { fuzzy_search(query, [:name], use_minimum_char_limit: false) }
scope :with_version, ->(version) { where(version: version) }
scope :without_version_like, -> (version) { where.not(arel_table[:version].matches(version)) }
title: Search for python packages with normalized name to allow installs of packages
with periods and underscores
merge_request: 44807
type: changed
......@@ -111,6 +111,11 @@ touch
This file contains all the information about our package. For more information
about this file, see [creating](
GitLab identifies packages based on
[Python normalized names (PEP-503)](,
so ensure your package name meets these requirements.
See the [installation section](#install-packages) for more details.
For this guide, we don't need to extensively fill out this file, simply add the
below to your ``:
......@@ -300,6 +305,12 @@ Installing collected packages: mypypipackage
Successfully installed mypypipackage-0.0.1
GitLab looks for packages using
[Python normalized names (PEP-503)](,
so the characters `-`, `_`, and `.` are all treated the same and repeated characters are removed.
A `pip install` request for `my.package` looks for packages that match any of
the three characters, such as `my-package`, `my_package`, and `my....package`.
## Using GitLab CI with PyPI packages
> [Introduced]( in GitLab 13.4.
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ module API
def find_package_versions
packages = packages_finder
not_found!('Package') if packages.empty?
......@@ -516,6 +516,14 @@ RSpec.describe Packages::Package, type: :model do
it { match_array([package1, package2]) }
describe '.with_normalized_pypi_name' do
let_it_be(:pypi_package) { create(:pypi_package, name: 'Foo.bAr---BAZ_buz') }
subject { described_class.with_normalized_pypi_name('foo-bar-baz-buz') }
it { match_array([pypi_package]) }
describe '.select_distinct_name' do
......@@ -57,6 +57,16 @@ RSpec.describe API::PypiPackages do
context 'with a normalized package name' do
let_it_be(:package) { create(:pypi_package, project: project, name: 'my.package') }
let(:url) { "/projects/#{}/packages/pypi/simple/my-package" }
let(:headers) { basic_auth_header(user.username, personal_access_token.token) }
subject { get api(url), headers: headers }
it_behaves_like 'PyPI package versions', :developer, :success
it_behaves_like 'deploy token for package GET requests'
it_behaves_like 'job token for package GET requests'
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