Commit 85002b6a authored by Lukas Eipert's avatar Lukas Eipert Committed by Stan Hu

Fix sorting in feature_highlight

Apparently the Array.sort function was used in a wrong way. Instead of
returning a number indicating order [0] it returned a boolean. This
fixes that.

parent 2b834541
......@@ -31,12 +31,14 @@ export function setupFeatureHighlightPopover(id, debounceTimeout = 300) {
const getPriority = e => parseInt(e.dataset.highlightPriority, 10) || 0;
export function findHighestPriorityFeature() {
let priorityFeature;
const sortedFeatureEls = [].slice
.sort((a, b) => (a.dataset.highlightPriority || 0) < (b.dataset.highlightPriority || 0));
.sort((a, b) => getPriority(b) - getPriority(a));
const [priorityFeatureEl] = sortedFeatureEls;
if (priorityFeatureEl) {
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