@@ -31,18 +31,11 @@ With GitLab merge requests, you can:
With **[GitLab Enterprise Edition][ee]**, you can also:
<<<<<<< HEAD
- View the deployment process across projects with [Multi-Project Pipeline Graphs](../../../ci/multi_project_pipeline_graphs.md)(available only in GitLab Premium)
- Request [approvals](#merge-request-approvals) from your managers (available in GitLab Starter)
-[Squash and merge](#squash-and-merge) for a cleaner commit history (available in GitLab Starter)
- Analyze the impact of your changes with [Code Quality reports](#code-quality-reports)(available in GitLab Starter)
- Determine the performance impact of changes with [Browser Performance Testing](#browser-performance-testing) (available in GitLab Premium)
- View the deployment process across projects with [Multi-Project Pipeline Graphs](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/multi_project_pipeline_graphs.html#multi-project-pipeline-graphs)(available only in GitLab Premium)
- Request [approvals](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/merge_requests/merge_request_approvals.html) from your managers (available in GitLab Starter)
-[Squash and merge](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/merge_requests/squash_and_merge.html) for a cleaner commit history (available in GitLab Starter)
- Analyze the impact of your changes with [Code Quality reports](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/merge_requests/code_quality_diff.html)(available in GitLab Starter)
>>>>>>> upstream/master
- Determine the performance impact of changes with [Browser Performance Testing](#browser-performance-testing)(available in GitLab Premium)