Commit 8dd3a162 authored by Sytse Sijbrandij's avatar Sytse Sijbrandij

Change vim command.

parent 40e80dbe
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ sudo docker rm -f gitlab_data
sudo docker build --tag gitlab_image docker/
sudo docker run --name gitlab_data gitlab_image /bin/true
sudo docker run -ti --rm --volumes-from gitlab_data ubuntu apt-get install -y vim; sudo vi /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
sudo docker run -ti --rm --volumes-from gitlab_data ubuntu apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y vim && sudo vim /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
sudo docker run --detach --name gitlab --publish 8080:80 --publish 2222:22 --volumes-from gitlab_data gitlab_image
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