-profile_message=_('Your primary email is used for avatar detection. You can change it in your %{openingTag}profile settings%{closingTag}.')%{openingTag: "<a href='#{profile_address}'>".html_safe,closingTag: '</a>'.html_safe}
-profile_message=_('Your primary email is used for avatar detection. You can change it in your %{openingTag}profile settings%{closingTag}.')%{openingTag: "<a href='#{profile_path}'>".html_safe,closingTag: '</a>'.html_safe}
=_('Your commit email is used for web based operations, such as edits and merges.')
-notification_message=_('Your default notification email is used for account notifications if a %{openingTag}group-specific email address%{closingTag} is not set.')%{openingTag: "<a href='#{notification_address}'>".html_safe,closingTag: '</a>'.html_safe}
-notification_message=_('Your default notification email is used for account notifications if a %{openingTag}group-specific email address%{closingTag} is not set.')%{openingTag: "<a href='#{profile_notifications_path}'>".html_safe,closingTag: '</a>'.html_safe}
=_('Your public email will be displayed on your public profile.')