Commit 97b6fe17 authored by Rajendra Kadam's avatar Rajendra Kadam Committed by Peter Leitzen

Revert "Apply suggestion to spec/requests/api/graphql/tasks/task_completion_status_spec.rb"

This reverts commit 978d2b4e3ef2ba4d990737a2b6d4c3159c73e073.
parent a15ec186
......@@ -375,7 +375,6 @@ RSpec/LeakyConstantDeclaration:
- 'spec/models/concerns/bulk_insertable_associations_spec.rb'
- 'spec/models/concerns/triggerable_hooks_spec.rb'
- 'spec/models/repository_spec.rb'
- 'spec/requests/api/graphql/tasks/task_completion_status_spec.rb'
- 'spec/serializers/commit_entity_spec.rb'
- 'spec/services/clusters/applications/check_installation_progress_service_spec.rb'
- 'spec/services/clusters/applications/check_uninstall_progress_service_spec.rb'
title: Fix leaky constant issue in task completion status spec
merge_request: 32043
author: Rajendra Kadam
type: fixed
......@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ require 'spec_helper'
describe 'getting task completion status information' do
include GraphqlHelpers
DESCRIPTION_0_DONE = '- [ ] task 1\n- [ ] task 2'
DESCRIPTION_1_DONE = '- [x] task 1\n- [ ] task 2'
DESCRIPTION_2_DONE = '- [x] task 1\n- [x] task 2'
description_0_done = '- [ ] task 1\n- [ ] task 2'
description_1_done = '- [x] task 1\n- [ ] task 2'
description_2_done = '- [x] task 1\n- [x] task 2'
let_it_be(:user1) { create(:user) }
let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :repository, :public) }
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ describe 'getting task completion status information' do
[description_0_done, description_1_done, description_2_done].each do |desc|
context "with description #{desc}" do
context 'when type is issue' do
it_behaves_like 'graphql task completion status provider', 'issue' do
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