optional:name,type: String,desc: 'The name of the release'
optional:name,type: String,desc: 'The name of the release'
optional:description,type: String,desc: 'Release notes with markdown support'
optional:description,type: String,desc: 'Release notes with markdown support'
optional:released_at,type: DateTime,desc: 'The date when the release will be/was ready.'
optional:released_at,type: DateTime,desc: 'The date when the release will be/was ready.'
optional:milestones,type: Array,desc: 'The titles of the related milestones'
optional:milestones,type: Array[String],coerce_with: ::API::Validations::Types::CommaSeparatedToArray.coerce,desc: 'The titles of the related milestones'