| `aws_access_key_id` | AWS credentials, or compatible | |
| `aws_secret_access_key` | AWS credentials, or compatible | |
| `provider` | The provider name | AWS |
| `aws_access_key_id` | AWS credentials, or compatible | `ABC123DEF456`|
| `aws_secret_access_key` | AWS credentials, or compatible | `ABC123DEF456ABC123DEF456ABC123DEF456`|
| `region` | AWS region | us-east-1 |
| `host` | S3 compatible host for when not using AWS, e.g. `localhost` or `storage.example.com` | s3.amazonaws.com |
| `endpoint` | Can be used when configuring an S3 compatible service such as [Minio](https://www.minio.io), by entering a URL such as `` | (optional) |
| `path_style` | Set to true to use `host/bucket_name/object` style paths instead of `bucket_name.host/object`. Leave as false for AWS S3 | false |
Here is a configuration example with GCS.
| Setting | Description | example |
| `provider` | The provider name | `Google` |
| `google_project` | GCP project name | `gcp-project-12345` |
| `google_client_email` | The email address of the service account | `foo@gcp-project-12345.iam.gserviceaccount.com` |
| `google_json_key_location` | The json key path | `/path/to/gcp-project-12345-abcde.json` |
_NOTE: The service account must have permission to access the bucket. [See more](https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/authentication)_
### Manual uploading to an object storage
There are two ways to manually do the same thing as automatic uploading (described above).
**Option 1: rake task**
$ rake gitlab:lfs:migrate
**Option 2: rails console**
$ sudo gitlab-rails console # Login to rails console
> # Upload LFS files manually
> LfsObject.where(file_store: [nil, 1]).find_each do |lfs_object|
> lfs_object.file.migrate!(ObjectStorage::Store::REMOTE) if lfs_object.file.file.exists?
> end
### S3 for Omnibus installations
On Omnibus installations, the settings are prefixed by `lfs_object_store_`:
@@ -156,6 +202,29 @@ You can see the total storage used for LFS objects on groups and projects
in the administration area, as well as through the [groups](../../api/groups.md)