Commit 990bb8b3 authored by GitLab Bot's avatar GitLab Bot

Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into ce-to-ee-2018-06-22

parents 49090c95 70bf08b5
title: Cleanup Prometheus ruby metrics
merge_request: 20039
author: Ben Kochie
type: fixed
title: '[Rails5] Fix "-1 is not a valid data_store"'
merge_request: 19917
author: "@blackst0ne"
type: fixed
......@@ -87,6 +87,20 @@ the `monitoring.sidekiq_exporter` configuration option in `gitlab.yml`.
| geo_wikis_verification_failed_count | Gauge | 10.7 | Number of wikis failed to verify on secondary | url
| geo_wikis_checksum_mismatch_count | Gauge | 10.7 | Number of wikis that checksum mismatch on secondary | url
### Ruby metrics
Some basic Ruby runtime metrics are available:
| Metric | Type | Since | Description |
|:-------------------------------------- |:--------- |:----- |:----------- |
| ruby_gc_duration_seconds_total | Counter | 11.1 | Time spent by Ruby in GC |
| ruby_gc_stat_... | Gauge | 11.1 | Various metrics from [GC.stat] |
| ruby_file_descriptors | Gauge | 11.1 | File descriptors per process |
| ruby_memory_bytes | Gauge | 11.1 | Memory usage by process |
| ruby_sampler_duration_seconds_total | Counter | 11.1 | Time spent collecting stats |
## Metrics shared directory
GitLab's Prometheus client requires a directory to store metrics data shared between multi-process services.
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ There are various configuration options to help GitLab server administrators:
* Enabling/disabling Git LFS support
* Changing the location of LFS object storage
* Setting up AWS S3 compatible object storage
* Setting up object storage supported by [Fog](
### Configuration for Omnibus installations
......@@ -44,19 +44,31 @@ In `config/gitlab.yml`:
storage_path: /mnt/storage/lfs-objects
## Storing the LFS objects in an S3-compatible object storage
## Storing LFS objects in remote object storage
> [Introduced][ee-2760] in [GitLab Premium][eep] 10.0. Brought to GitLab Core
in 10.7.
It is possible to store LFS objects on a remote object storage which allows you
to offload storage to an external AWS S3 compatible service, freeing up disk
space locally. You can also host your own S3 compatible storage decoupled from
GitLab, with with a service such as [Minio](
It is possible to store LFS objects in remote object storage which allows you
to offload local hard disk R/W operations, and free up disk space significantly.
GitLab is tightly integrated with `Fog`, so you can refer to its [documentation](
to check which storage services can be integrated with GitLab.
You can also use external object storage in a private local network. For example,
[Minio]( is a standalone object storage service, is easy to setup, and works well with GitLab instances.
Object storage currently transfers files first to GitLab, and then on the
object storage in a second stage. This can be done either by using a rake task
to transfer existing objects, or in a background job after each file is received.
GitLab provides two different options for the uploading mechanism: "Direct upload" and "Background upload".
**Option 1. Direct upload**
1. User pushes an lfs file to the GitLab instance
1. GitLab-workhorse uploads the file directly to the external object storage
1. GitLab-workhorse notifies GitLab-rails that the upload process is complete
**Option 2. Background upload**
1. User pushes an lfs file to the GitLab instance
1. GitLab-rails stores the file in the local file storage
1. GitLab-rails then uploads the file to the external object storage asynchronously
The following general settings are supported.
......@@ -71,16 +83,50 @@ The following general settings are supported.
The `connection` settings match those provided by [Fog](
| Setting | Description | Default |
Here is a configuration example with S3.
| Setting | Description | example |
| `provider` | Always `AWS` for compatible hosts | AWS |
| `aws_access_key_id` | AWS credentials, or compatible | |
| `aws_secret_access_key` | AWS credentials, or compatible | |
| `provider` | The provider name | AWS |
| `aws_access_key_id` | AWS credentials, or compatible | `ABC123DEF456` |
| `aws_secret_access_key` | AWS credentials, or compatible | `ABC123DEF456ABC123DEF456ABC123DEF456` |
| `region` | AWS region | us-east-1 |
| `host` | S3 compatible host for when not using AWS, e.g. `localhost` or `` | |
| `endpoint` | Can be used when configuring an S3 compatible service such as [Minio](, by entering a URL such as `` | (optional) |
| `path_style` | Set to true to use `host/bucket_name/object` style paths instead of ``. Leave as false for AWS S3 | false |
Here is a configuration example with GCS.
| Setting | Description | example |
| `provider` | The provider name | `Google` |
| `google_project` | GCP project name | `gcp-project-12345` |
| `google_client_email` | The email address of the service account | `` |
| `google_json_key_location` | The json key path | `/path/to/gcp-project-12345-abcde.json` |
_NOTE: The service account must have permission to access the bucket. [See more](
### Manual uploading to an object storage
There are two ways to manually do the same thing as automatic uploading (described above).
**Option 1: rake task**
$ rake gitlab:lfs:migrate
**Option 2: rails console**
$ sudo gitlab-rails console # Login to rails console
> # Upload LFS files manually
> LfsObject.where(file_store: [nil, 1]).find_each do |lfs_object|
> lfs_object.file.migrate!(ObjectStorage::Store::REMOTE) if lfs_object.file.file.exists?
> end
### S3 for Omnibus installations
On Omnibus installations, the settings are prefixed by `lfs_object_store_`:
......@@ -156,6 +202,29 @@ You can see the total storage used for LFS objects on groups and projects
in the administration area, as well as through the [groups](../../api/
and [projects APIs](../../api/
## Troubleshooting: `Google::Apis::TransmissionError: execution expired`
If LFS integration is configred with Google Cloud Storage and background uploads (`background_upload: true` and `direct_upload: false`),
sidekiq workers may encouter this error. This is because the uploading timed out with very large files.
LFS files up to 6Gb can be uploaded without any extra steps, otherwise you need to use the following workaround.
$ sudo gitlab-rails console # Login to rails console
> # Set up timeouts. 20 minutes is enough to upload 30GB LFS files.
> # These settings are only in effect for the same session, i.e. they are not effective for sidekiq workers.
> ::Google::Apis::ClientOptions.default.open_timeout_sec = 1200
> ::Google::Apis::ClientOptions.default.read_timeout_sec = 1200
> ::Google::Apis::ClientOptions.default.send_timeout_sec = 1200
> # Upload LFS files manually. This process does not use sidekiq at all.
> LfsObject.where(file_store: [nil, 1]).find_each do |lfs_object|
> lfs_object.file.migrate!(ObjectStorage::Store::REMOTE) if lfs_object.file.file.exists?
> end
See more information in [!19581](
## Known limitations
* Support for removing unreferenced LFS objects was added in 8.14 onwards.
......@@ -607,17 +607,7 @@ module Gitlab
def ref_name_for_sha(ref_path, sha)
raise ArgumentError, "sha can't be empty" unless sha.present?
gitaly_migrate(:find_ref_name) do |is_enabled|
if is_enabled
gitaly_ref_client.find_ref_name(sha, ref_path)
args = %W(for-each-ref --count=1 #{ref_path} --contains #{sha})
# Not found -> ["", 0]
# Found -> ["b8d95eb4969eefacb0a58f6a28f6803f8070e7b9 commit\trefs/environments/production/77\n", 0]
# Get refs hash which key is is the commit id
......@@ -1816,14 +1806,6 @@ module Gitlab
def size_by_shelling_out
popen(%w(du -sk), path).first.strip.to_i
def size_by_gitaly
# Returns true if the given ref name exists
# Ref names must start with `refs/`.
......@@ -22,27 +22,27 @@ module Gitlab
def init_metrics
metrics = {}
metrics[:sampler_duration] = Metrics.histogram(with_prefix(:sampler_duration, :seconds), 'Sampler time', { worker: nil })
metrics[:total_time] = Metrics.gauge(with_prefix(:gc, :time_total), 'Total GC time', labels, :livesum)
metrics[:sampler_duration] = Metrics.counter(with_prefix(:sampler, :duration_seconds_total), 'Sampler time', labels)
metrics[:total_time] = Metrics.counter(with_prefix(:gc, :duration_seconds_total), 'Total GC time', labels)
GC.stat.keys.each do |key|
metrics[key] = Metrics.gauge(with_prefix(:gc, key), to_doc_string(key), labels, :livesum)
metrics[key] = Metrics.gauge(with_prefix(:gc_stat, key), to_doc_string(key), labels, :livesum)
metrics[:objects_total] = Metrics.gauge(with_prefix(:objects, :total), 'Objects total', labels.merge(class: nil), :livesum)
metrics[:memory_usage] = Metrics.gauge(with_prefix(:memory, :usage_total), 'Memory used total', labels, :livesum)
metrics[:file_descriptors] = Metrics.gauge(with_prefix(:file, :descriptors_total), 'File descriptors total', labels, :livesum)
metrics[:memory_usage] = Metrics.gauge(with_prefix(:memory, :bytes), 'Memory used', labels, :livesum)
metrics[:file_descriptors] = Metrics.gauge(with_prefix(:file, :descriptors), 'File descriptors used', labels, :livesum)
def sample
start_time = System.monotonic_time
metrics[:memory_usage].set(labels, System.memory_usage)
metrics[:file_descriptors].set(labels, System.file_descriptor_count)
metrics[:memory_usage].set(labels.merge(worker_label), System.memory_usage)
metrics[:file_descriptors].set(labels.merge(worker_label), System.file_descriptor_count)
metrics[:sampler_duration].observe(labels.merge(worker_label), System.monotonic_time - start_time)
metrics[:sampler_duration].increment(labels, System.monotonic_time - start_time)
......@@ -50,11 +50,13 @@ module Gitlab
def sample_gc
metrics[:total_time].set(labels, GC::Profiler.total_time * 1000)
# Collect generic GC stats.
GC.stat.each do |key, value|
metrics[key].set(labels, value)
# Collect the GC time since last sample in float seconds.
metrics[:total_time].increment(labels, GC::Profiler.total_time)
def worker_label
......@@ -20,10 +20,14 @@ module RuboCop
......@@ -34,8 +38,15 @@ module RuboCop
].join(' ').freeze
def_node_matcher :batch_update?, <<~PATTERN
(send nil? ${:add_column_with_default :update_column_in_batches} $(sym ...) ...)
(send nil? ${#{BATCH_UPDATE_METHODS}} $(sym ...) ...)
def on_send(node)
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ describe Gitlab::Metrics::Samplers::RubySampler do
it 'adds a metric containing garbage collection time statistics' do
expect(GC::Profiler).to receive(:total_time).and_return(0.24)
expect(sampler.metrics[:total_time]).to receive(:set).with({}, 240)
expect(sampler.metrics[:total_time]).to receive(:increment).with({}, 0.24)
......@@ -125,14 +125,6 @@ describe Ci::BuildTraceChunk, :clean_gitlab_redis_shared_state do
context 'when data_store is others' do
before do
build_trace_chunk.send(:write_attribute, :data_store, -1)
it { expect { subject }.to raise_error('Unsupported data store') }
describe '#truncate' do
......@@ -32,6 +32,14 @@ describe RuboCop::Cop::Migration::UpdateLargeTable do
include_examples 'large tables', 'add_column_with_default'
context 'for the change_column_type_concurrently method' do
include_examples 'large tables', 'change_column_type_concurrently'
context 'for the rename_column_concurrently method' do
include_examples 'large tables', 'rename_column_concurrently'
context 'for the update_column_in_batches method' do
include_examples 'large tables', 'update_column_in_batches'
......@@ -60,6 +68,18 @@ describe RuboCop::Cop::Migration::UpdateLargeTable do
expect(cop.offenses).to be_empty
it 'registers no offense for change_column_type_concurrently' do
inspect_source("change_column_type_concurrently :#{table}, :column, default: true")
expect(cop.offenses).to be_empty
it 'registers no offense for update_column_in_batches' do
inspect_source("rename_column_concurrently :#{table}, :column, default: true")
expect(cop.offenses).to be_empty
it 'registers no offense for update_column_in_batches' do
inspect_source("add_column_with_default :#{table}, :column, default: true")
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