Commit 99fef514 authored by Nick Gaskill's avatar Nick Gaskill

Merge branch '36777-secure-integration-doc-vuln-id' into 'master'

Document vulnerability id, remediation objects

See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!29146
parents b08b24b2 a20d3948
......@@ -233,6 +233,12 @@ describes the Secure report format version.
The `vulnerabilities` field of the report is an array of vulnerability objects.
#### ID
The `id` field is the unique identifier of the vulnerability.
It is used to reference a fixed vulnerability from a [remediation objects](#remediations).
We recommend that you generate a UUID and use it as the `id` field's value.
#### Category
The value of the `category` field matches the report type:
......@@ -467,6 +473,15 @@ The `remediations` field of the report is an array of remediation objects.
Each remediation describes a patch that can be applied to automatically fix
a set of vulnerabilities.
Currently, remediations rely on a deprecated field named `cve` to reference vulnerabilities,
so it is recommended not to use them until a new format has been defined.
See [issue #36777](
#### Summary
The `summary` field is an overview of how the vulnerabilities can be fixed.
#### Fixed vulnerabilities
The `fixes` field is an array of objects that reference the vulnerabilities fixed by the
remediation. `fixes[].id` contains a fixed vulnerability's unique identifier.
#### Diff
The `diff` field is a base64-encoded remediation code diff, compatible with [`git apply`](
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