Commit 9be7aa0f authored by Filipa Lacerda's avatar Filipa Lacerda

Removes unused partials

parent 05e57a07
- last_deployment = environment.last_deployment
= link_to, namespace_project_environment_path(@project.namespace, @project, environment)
- if last_deployment
%span ##{last_deployment.iid}
- if last_deployment.user
= user_avatar(user: last_deployment.user, size: 20)
- if last_deployment && last_deployment.deployable
= link_to [@project.namespace.becomes(Namespace), @project, last_deployment.deployable], class: 'build-link' do
= "#{} (##{})"
- if last_deployment
= render 'projects/deployments/commit', deployment: last_deployment
- else
No deployments yet
- if last_deployment
= render 'projects/environments/external_url', environment: environment
= render 'projects/deployments/actions', deployment: last_deployment
= render 'projects/environments/stop', environment: environment
= render 'projects/deployments/rollback', deployment: last_deployment
- if can?(current_user, :create_deployment, @project)
.inline{ "v-if" => "hasManualActions"}
%a.dropdown-new.btn.btn-default{type: "button", "data-toggle" => "dropdown"}
= custom_icon('icon_play')
= icon('caret-down')
%li{ "v-for" => "action in manualActions" }
%a{ ":href" => "action.play_url",
"data-method" => "post",
"rel" => "nofollow" }
= custom_icon('icon_play')
\ No newline at end of file
.branch-commit{"v-if" => "!isFolder && model.last_deployment"}
.icon-container{ "v-if" => "model.last_deployment.ref && model.last_deployment.tag" }
.icon-container{ "v-if" => "model.last_deployment.ref && !model.last_deployment.tag" }
%a.monospace.branch-name{"v-if" => "model.last_deployment.ref", ":href" => "model.last_deployment.ref.ref_url"}
= custom_icon("icon_commit")
%a.commit-id.monospace{":href" => "model.last_deployment.commit.commit_url"}
%span{ "v-if" => "model.last_deployment.commit && model.last_deployment.commit.title"}
%a.avatar-image-container{"v-if" => "", ":href" => ""}
%img.avatar.has-tooltip.s20{":title" => "",
":alt" => " + `'s avatar`",
":src" => ""}
%a.commit-row-message{":href" => "model.last_deployment.commit.commit_url"}
%span{ "v-if" => "!model.last_deployment.commit.title"}
Cant find HEAD commit for this branch
%script#environment-item-template{ "type"=> "text/x-template" }
%td{"v-bind:class" => "{ 'children-row': isChildren}" }
%a.environment-name{ "v-if" => "!isFolder",
":href" => "model.environment_url" }
%span.folder-name{ "v-if" => "isFolder",
"@click" => "toggle" }
%i.folder-icon{ "v-show" => "open" }
=icon ("caret-down")
%i.folder-icon{ "v-show" => "!open" }
%span{ "v-if" => "!isFolder && model.last_deployment && model.last_deployment.iid" }
= precede "#" do
%span{ "v-if" => "model.last_deployment.user" }
%a{":href" => "model.last_deployment.user.web_url" }
%img.avatar.has-tooltip.s20{ ":src" => "model.last_deployment.user.avatar_url",
":alt" => "model.last_deployment.user.username + `'s avatar`",
":title" => "model.last_deployment.user.username"}
%td{ "v-if" => "!isFolder && model.last_deployment && model.last_deployment.deployable",
":href" => "" }
= precede "#" do
=render "projects/environments/components/commit"
%p.commit-title{ "v-if" => "!isFolder && !model.last_deployment" }
No deployments yet
%span.environment-created-date-timeago{ "v-if" => "!isFolder && model.last_deployment" }
.pull-right{ "v-if" => "!isFolder" }
=render "projects/environments/components/external_url"
=render "projects/environments/components/actions"
=render "projects/environments/components/stop"
=render "projects/environments/components/rollback"
%tr{"v-if" => "open && isFolder",
"is" => "environment-item",
"v-for" => "model in model.children",
":model" => "model" }
-if can?(current_user, :read_environment, @project)
%a.btn.external-url{ "v-if" => "!isFolder && model.external_url",
":target" => "_blank",
":href" => "model.external_url"}
= icon("external-link")
- if can?(current_user, :create_deployment, @project)
%a.btn.btn-build{ "v-if" => "canRetry",
":href" => "model.last_deployment.deployable.retry_url",
"data-method" => "post",
"rel" => "nofollow" }
%span{ "v-if" => "isLastDeployment" }
%span{ "v-if" => "!isLastDeployment" }
- if can?(current_user, :create_deployment, @project)
.inline{ "v-if" => "isStoppable" }
%a.btn.stop-env-link{":href" => "model.environment_url",
"method" => ":post",
"rel" => "nofollow",
"confirm" => "Are you sure you want to stop this environment?"}
= icon("stop", class: "stop-env-icon")
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