Commit 9d5a2b11 authored by Thomas Randolph's avatar Thomas Randolph Committed by Jacques Erasmus

Add Default Initial Branch Name for Repositories Group Setting

parent 5f9d3dfc
......@@ -132,13 +132,23 @@ class GroupsController < Groups::ApplicationController
def update
if, current_user, group_params).execute
redirect_to edit_group_path(@group, anchor: params[:update_section]), notice: "Group '#{}' was successfully updated."
notice = "Group '#{}' was successfully updated."
redirect_to edit_group_origin_location, notice: notice
render action: "edit"
def edit_group_origin_location
if params.dig(:group, :redirect_target) == 'repository_settings'
group_settings_repository_path(@group, anchor: 'js-default-branch-name')
edit_group_path(@group, anchor: params[:update_section])
def destroy, current_user).async_execute
......@@ -109,6 +109,8 @@ class Group < Namespace
.where("project_authorizations.user_id IN (?)", user_ids)
delegate :default_branch_name, to: :namespace_settings
class << self
def sort_by_attribute(method)
if method == 'storage_size_desc'
......@@ -6,10 +6,18 @@ class NamespaceSetting < ApplicationRecord
validate :default_branch_name_content
validate :allow_mfa_for_group
before_validation :normalize_default_branch_name
NAMESPACE_SETTINGS_PARAMS = [:default_branch_name].freeze
self.primary_key = :namespace_id
def normalize_default_branch_name
self.default_branch_name = nil if default_branch_name.blank?
def default_branch_name_content
return if default_branch_name.nil?
......{ class: ('expanded' if expanded_by_default?) }
= _('Default initial branch name'){ type: 'button' }
= expanded_by_default? ? _('Collapse') : _('Expand')
= _('Set the default name of the initial branch when creating new repositories through the user interface.')
= form_for @group, url: group_path(@group, anchor: 'js-default-branch-name'), html: { class: 'fieldset-form' } do |f|
= form_errors(@group)
- fallback_branch_name = '<code>master</code>'
= f.label :default_branch_name, _('Default initial branch name'), class: 'label-light'
= f.text_field :default_branch_name, value: group.namespace_settings&.default_branch_name, placeholder: 'master', class: 'form-control'
= (_("Changes affect new repositories only. If not specified, either the configured application-wide default or Git's default name %{branch_name_default} will be used.") % { branch_name_default: fallback_branch_name }).html_safe
= f.hidden_field :redirect_target, value: "repository_settings"
= f.submit _('Save changes'), class: 'gl-button btn-success'
......@@ -4,3 +4,4 @@
- deploy_token_description = s_('DeployTokens|Group deploy tokens allow access to the packages, repositories, and registry images within the group.')
= render "shared/deploy_tokens/index", group_or_project: @group, description: deploy_token_description
= render "initial_branch_name", group: @group
title: Add Default Initial Branch Name for Repositories Group Setting
merge_request: 43290
type: added
......@@ -518,6 +518,23 @@ If you want to retain ownership over the original namespace and
protect the URL redirects, then instead of changing a group's path or renaming a
username, you can create a new group and transfer projects to it.
### Group repository settings
You can change settings that are specific to repositories in your group.
#### Custom initial branch name **(CORE ONLY)**
> - [Introduced]( in GitLab 13.6.
By default, when you create a new project in GitLab, the initial branch is called `master`.
For groups, a group administrator can customize the initial branch name to something
else. This way, every new project created under that group from then on will start from the custom branch name rather than `master`. To do so:
1. Go to the **Group page > Settings > Repository** and expand **Default initial
branch name**.
1. Change the default initial branch to a custom name of your choice.
1. **Save Changes**.
### Remove a group
To remove a group and its contents:
......@@ -4929,6 +4929,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Changes affect new repositories only. If not specified, Git's default name %{branch_name_default} will be used."
msgstr ""
msgid "Changes affect new repositories only. If not specified, either the configured application-wide default or Git's default name %{branch_name_default} will be used."
msgstr ""
msgid "Changes are shown as if the %{b_open}source%{b_close} revision was being merged into the %{b_open}target%{b_close} revision."
msgstr ""
......@@ -25,4 +25,21 @@ RSpec.describe 'Group Repository settings' do
let(:entity_type) { 'group' }
context 'Default initial branch name' do
before do
visit group_settings_repository_path(group)
it 'has the setting section' do
expect(page).to have_css("#js-default-branch-name")
it 'renders the correct setting section content' do
within("#js-default-branch-name") do
expect(page).to have_content("Default initial branch name")
expect(page).to have_content("Set the default name of the initial branch when creating new repositories through the user interface.")
......@@ -36,13 +36,10 @@ RSpec.describe NamespaceSetting, type: :model do
context "when an empty string" do
before do
namespace_settings.default_branch_name = ''
namespace_settings.default_branch_name = ""
it "returns an error" do
expect(namespace_settings.valid?).to be_falsey
expect(namespace_settings.errors.full_messages).not_to be_empty
it_behaves_like "doesn't return an error"
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