Commit a15d40ac authored by Amy Qualls (slowly returning after surgery)'s avatar Amy Qualls (slowly returning after surgery) Committed by Evan Read

Create a test for ableist words

Begin testing for words that are ableist in nature.
parent 57c574fc
# Suggestion: gitlab.InclusionAbleism
# Suggests alternatives for words that foster ableism.
# For a list of all options, see
extends: substitution
message: 'Use inclusive language. Consider "%s" instead of "%s".'
level: suggestion
ignorecase: true
sanity (?:check|test): check for completeness
dummy: placeholder
# Warning: gitlab.InclusionCultural
# Suggests alternatives for words that are culturally inappropriate.
# For a list of all options, see
extends: substitution
message: 'Use inclusive language. Consider "%s" instead of "%s".'
level: warning
ignorecase: true
blacklist(?:ed|ing|s)?: denylist
whitelist(?:ed|ing|s)?: allowlist
master: primary
slave: secondary
# Suggestion: gitlab.InclusionGender
# Suggests alternatives for words that are gender-specific.
# For a list of all options, see
extends: substitution
message: 'Use inclusive language. Consider "%s" instead of "%s".'
level: suggestion
ignorecase: true
mankind: humanity, people
manpower: GitLab team members
he: they
his: their
she: they
hers: their
......@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ level: warning
ignorecase: true
admin: administrator
blacklist(ed|ing)?: denylist
code base: codebase
config: configuration
distro: distribution
......@@ -20,4 +19,3 @@ swap:
filesystem: file system
info: information
repo: repository
whitelist(ed|ing)?: allowlist
......@@ -418,8 +418,11 @@ We strive to create documentation that is inclusive. This section includes
guidance and examples in the following categories:
- [Gender-specific wording](#avoid-gender-specific-wording).
(Tested in [`InclusionGender.yml`](
- [Ableist language](#avoid-ableist-language).
(Tested in [`InclusionAbleism.yml`](
- [Cultural sensitivity](#culturally-sensitive-language).
(Tested in [`InclusionCultural.yml`](
We write our developer documentation with inclusivity and diversity in mind. This
page is not an exhaustive reference, but describes some general guidelines and
......@@ -433,11 +436,13 @@ a gender-neutral pronoun.
Avoid the use of gender-specific pronouns, unless referring to a specific person.
<!-- vale gitlab.InclusionGender = NO -->
| Use | Avoid |
| People, humanity | Mankind |
| GitLab Team Members | Manpower |
| You can install; They can install | He can install; She can install |
<!-- vale gitlab.InclusionGender = YES -->
If you need to set up [Fake user information](#fake-user-information), use
diverse or non-gendered names with common surnames.
......@@ -446,6 +451,7 @@ diverse or non-gendered names with common surnames.
Avoid terms that are also used in negative stereotypes for different groups.
<!-- vale gitlab.InclusionAbleism = NO -->
| Use | Avoid |
| Check for completeness | Sanity check |
......@@ -454,6 +460,7 @@ Avoid terms that are also used in negative stereotypes for different groups.
| Placeholder variable | Dummy variable |
| Active/Inactive | Enabled/Disabled |
| On/Off | Enabled/Disabled |
<!-- vale gitlab.InclusionAbleism = YES -->
Credit: [Avoid ableist language](
in the Google Developer Style Guide.
......@@ -464,10 +471,12 @@ Avoid terms that reflect negative cultural stereotypes and history. In most
cases, you can replace terms such as `master` and `slave` with terms that are
more precise and functional, such as `primary` and `secondary`.
<!-- vale gitlab.InclusionCultural = NO -->
| Use | Avoid |
| Primary / secondary | Master / slave |
| Allowlist / denylist | Blacklist / whitelist |
<!-- vale gitlab.InclusionCultural = YES -->
For more information see the following [Internet Draft specification](
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