Commit a2c9b63c authored by Harsh Chouraria's avatar Harsh Chouraria Committed by Marcel Amirault

Docs: Clarify production advice for needs feature

parent 3ebdfacf
......@@ -1530,13 +1530,16 @@ production:
#### Requirements and limitations
- In [GitLab 14.1 and later](
you can refer to jobs in the same stage as the job you are configuring. This feature
is [Deployed behind a feature flag](../../user/, disabled by default.
- Disabled on
- Not recommended for production use.
- For GitLab self-managed instances, GitLab adminsitrators
can choose to [disable it](#enable-or-disable-needs-for-jobs-in-the-same-stage)
- In [GitLab 14.1 and later]( you
can refer to jobs in the same stage as the job you are configuring. This feature is:
- [Deployed behind a feature flag](../../user/, disabled by default.
- Disabled on
- Not recommended for production use.
For GitLab self-managed instances, GitLab administrators can choose to
[enable it](#enable-or-disable-needs-for-jobs-in-the-same-stage).
- In GitLab 14.0 and older, you can only refer to jobs in earlier stages.
- In GitLab 13.9 and older, if `needs:` refers to a job that might not be added to
a pipeline because of `only`, `except`, or `rules`, the pipeline might fail to create.
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