Commit a5a3ed15 authored by Stan Hu's avatar Stan Hu

Avoid copying diffs as Markdown tables

Under certain circumstances with Chrome, copying a diff and pasting it
in a Markdown block could format the code in a Markdown table instead of
preserving the existing format. It appears that Chrome copies each diff
row as a single table, while browsers such as Firefox create separate
tables for rows. The table detector could be fooled if the right number
of columns and rows appeared in the paste buffer.

To fix this issue, we disable the auto-table formatting if the table
originated from a diff.

parent e48d161f
......@@ -47,7 +47,8 @@ export default class PasteMarkdownTable {
const htmlData ='text/html');
this.doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(htmlData, 'text/html');
const tables = this.doc.querySelectorAll('table');
// Avoid formatting lines that were copied from a diff
const tables = this.doc.querySelectorAll('table:not(.diff-wrap-lines)');
// We're only looking for exactly one table. If there happens to be
// multiple tables, it's possible an application copied data into
title: Avoid copying diffs as Markdown tables
merge_request: 30572
type: fixed
......@@ -57,6 +57,18 @@ describe('PasteMarkdownTable', () => {
expect(new PasteMarkdownTable(data).isTable()).toBe(false);
it('returns false when the table copy comes from a diff', () => {
data.types = ['text/html', 'text/plain'];
data.getData = jest.fn().mockImplementation(mimeType => {
if (mimeType === 'text/html') {
return '<table class="diff-wrap-lines"><tr><td>First</td><td>Second</td></tr></table>';
return 'First\tSecond';
expect(new PasteMarkdownTable(data).isTable()).toBe(false);
describe('convertToTableMarkdown', () => {
Markdown is supported
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