Commit a74b1a9c authored by Harish Ramachandran's avatar Harish Ramachandran Committed by Evan Read

Document how to find artifacts with a certain expiration

parent 258ea35f
......@@ -414,6 +414,37 @@ space, and in some cases, manually delete job artifacts to reclaim disk space.
One possible first step is to [clean up _orphaned_ artifact files](../raketasks/
#### List projects and builds with artifacts with a specific expiration (or no expiration)
Using a [Rails console](operations/, you can find projects that have job artifacts with either:
- No expiration date.
- An expiration date more than 7 days in the future.
Similar to [deleting artifacts](#delete-job-artifacts-from-jobs-completed-before-a-specific-date), use the following example time frames
and alter them as needed:
- `7.days.from_now`
- `10.days.from_now`
- `2.weeks.from_now`
- `3.months.from_now`
Each of the following scripts also limits the search to 50 results with `.limit(50)`, but this number can also be changed as needed:
# Find builds & projects with artifacts that never expire
builds_with_artifacts_that_never_expire = Ci::Build.with_downloadable_artifacts.where(artifacts_expire_at: nil).limit(50)
builds_with_artifacts_that_never_expire.find_each do |build|
puts "Build with id #{} has artifacts that don't expire and belongs to project #{build.project.full_path}"
# Find builds & projects with artifacts that expire after 7 days from today
builds_with_artifacts_that_expire_in_a_week = Ci::Build.with_downloadable_artifacts.where('artifacts_expire_at > ?', 7.days.from_now).limit(50)
builds_with_artifacts_that_expire_in_a_week.find_each do |build|
puts "Build with id #{} has artifacts that expire at #{build.artifacts_expire_at} and belongs to project #{build.project.full_path}"
#### List projects by total size of job artifacts stored
List the top 20 projects, sorted by the total size of job artifacts stored, by
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