Commit b5ab18c6 authored by Ruben Davila's avatar Ruben Davila

Bring changes that were present only in EE.

parent 770a199f
......@@ -4,13 +4,13 @@
* stringifyTime condensed or non-condensed, abbreviateTimelengths)
* */
class PrettyTime {
const utils = = gl.utils || {};
const prettyTime = utils.prettyTime = {
* Accepts seconds and returns a timeObject { weeks: #, days: #, hours: #, minutes: # }
* Seconds can be negative or positive, zero or non-zero.
static parseSeconds(seconds) {
parseSeconds(seconds) {
const DAYS_PER_WEEK = 5;
const HOURS_PER_DAY = 8;
const MINUTES_PER_HOUR = 60;
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
minutes: 1,
let unorderedMinutes = PrettyTime.secondsToMinutes(seconds);
let unorderedMinutes = prettyTime.secondsToMinutes(seconds);
return _.mapObject(timePeriodConstraints, (minutesPerPeriod) => {
const periodCount = Math.floor(unorderedMinutes / minutesPerPeriod);
......@@ -33,35 +33,33 @@
return periodCount;
* Accepts a timeObject and returns a condensed string representation of it
* (e.g. '1w 2d 3h 1m' or '1h 30m'). Zero value units are not included.
static stringifyTime(timeObject) {
stringifyTime(timeObject) {
const reducedTime = _.reduce(timeObject, (memo, unitValue, unitName) => {
const isNonZero = !!unitValue;
return isNonZero ? `${memo} ${unitValue}${unitName.charAt(0)}` : memo;
}, '').trim();
return reducedTime.length ? reducedTime : '0m';
* Accepts a time string of any size (e.g. '1w 2d 3h 5m' or '1w 2d') and returns
* the first non-zero unit/value pair.
static abbreviateTime(timeStr) {
abbreviateTime(timeStr) {
return timeStr.split(' ')
.filter(unitStr => unitStr.charAt(0) !== '0')[0];
static secondsToMinutes(seconds) {
secondsToMinutes(seconds) {
return Math.abs(seconds / 60);
gl.PrettyTime = PrettyTime;
})( || ( = {}));
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