| <code>/due <in 2 days | this Friday | December 31st></code> | Set due date |
| `/done` | Mark todo as done | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | |
| `/remove_due_date` | Remove due date |
| `/subscribe` | Subscribe | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | |
| `/wip` | Toggle the Work In Progress status |
| `/unsubscribe` | Unsubscribe | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | |
| <code>/estimate <1w 3d 2h 14m></code> | Set time estimate |
| <code>/due <in 2 days | this Friday | December 31st></code> | Set due date | ✓ | | | |
| `/remove_estimate` | Remove estimated time |
| `/remove_due_date` | Remove due date | ✓ | | | |
| <code>/spend <time(1h 30m | -1h 5m)><date(YYYY-MM-DD)></code> | Add or subtract spent time; optionally, specify the date that time was spent on |
| `/wip` | Toggle the Work In Progress status | | | ✓ | |
| `/remove_time_spent` | Remove time spent |
| <code>/estimate <1w 3d 2h 14m></code> | Set time estimate | ✓ | | ✓ | |
| `/target_branch <Branch Name>` | Set target branch for current merge request |
| <code>/spend <time(1h 30m | -1h 5m)><date(YYYY-MM-DD)></code> | Add or subtract spent time; optionally, specify the date that time was spent on | ✓ | | | ✓ |
| `/weight <0-999999999>` | Set the weight of the issue |