Commit baac8e6d authored by Paul Slaughter's avatar Paul Slaughter

Fix haml comments in groups/show.html.haml

parent b61591c6
......@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@
.fade-left= sprite_icon('chevron-lg-left', size: 12)
.fade-right= sprite_icon('chevron-lg-right', size: 12)
// `item_active` is set to `false` as the active state is set by `app/assets/javascripts/pages/groups/shared/group_details.js`
// TODO: Replace this approach in
-# `item_active` is set to `false` as the active state is set by `app/assets/javascripts/pages/groups/shared/group_details.js`
-# TODO: Replace this approach in
= gl_tabs_nav({ class: 'nav-links scrolling-tabs gl-display-flex gl-flex-grow-1 gl-flex-nowrap gl-border-0' }) do
= gl_tab_link_to group_path, item_active: false, tab_class: 'js-subgroups_and_projects-tab', data: { target: 'div#subgroups_and_projects', action: 'subgroups_and_projects', toggle: 'tab' } do
= _("Subgroups and projects")
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