Commit bc5bc7cb authored by Alfredo Sumaran's avatar Alfredo Sumaran

Fix class names and move each class to its own file

parent 2b2c42a1
class AllowedToMergeDropdowns {
constructor (options) {
const { $dropdowns, onSelect } = options;
$dropdowns.each((i, el) => {
new ProtectedBranchAccessDropdown({
$dropdown: $(el),
data: gon.merge_access_levels,
onSelect: onSelect
class AllowedToPushDropdowns {
constructor (options) {
const { $dropdowns, onSelect } = options;
$dropdowns.each((i, el) => {
new ProtectedBranchAccessDropdown({
$dropdown: $(el),
data: gon.push_access_levels,
onSelect: onSelect
\ No newline at end of file
class ProtectedBranchAccessDropdown {
constructor(options) {
const { $dropdown, data, onSelect } = options;
data: data,
selectable: true,
fieldName: $'field-name'),
toggleLabel(item) {
return item.text;
clicked(item, $el, e) {
class ProtectedBranchesAccessDropdown {
constructor(options) {
const { $dropdown, data, onSelect } = options;
data: data,
selectable: true,
fieldName: $'field-name'),
toggleLabel(item) {
return item.text;
clicked(item, $el, e) {
class AllowedToMergeDropdowns {
constructor (options) {
const { $dropdowns, onSelect } = options;
$dropdowns.each((i, el) => {
new ProtectedBranchesAccessDropdown({
$dropdown: $(el),
data: gon.merge_access_levels,
onSelect: onSelect
class AllowedToPushSelects {
constructor (options) {
const { $dropdowns, onSelect } = options;
$dropdowns.each((i, el) => {
new ProtectedBranchesAccessDropdown({
$dropdown: $(el),
data: gon.push_access_levels,
onSelect: onSelect
class ProtectedBranchCreate {
constructor() {
this.$wrap = this.$form = $('#new_protected_branch');
......@@ -59,12 +12,12 @@ class ProtectedBranchCreate {
// Allowed to Push dropdowns
new AllowedToPushSelects({
new AllowedToPushDropdowns({
$dropdowns: this.$wrap.find('.js-allowed-to-push'),
onSelect: this.onSelect.bind(this)
new ProtectedBranchSelects({
new ProtectedBranchDropdowns({
$dropdowns: this.$wrap.find('.js-protected-branch-select'),
onSelect: this.onSelect.bind(this)
......@@ -10,14 +10,14 @@ class ProtectedBranchEdit {
buildDropdowns() {
// Allowed to merge dropdown
new ProtectedBranchesAccessDropdown({
new ProtectedBranchAccessDropdown({
$dropdown: this.$allowedToMergeDropdown,
data: gon.merge_access_levels,
onSelect: this.onSelect.bind(this)
// Allowed to push dropdown
new ProtectedBranchesAccessDropdown({
new ProtectedBranchAccessDropdown({
$dropdown: this.$allowedToPushDropdown,
data: gon.push_access_levels,
onSelect: this.onSelect.bind(this)
......@@ -47,23 +47,10 @@ class ProtectedBranchEdit {
success: () => {
error: function() {
error() {
new Flash('Failed to update branch!');
class ProtectedBranchEditList {
constructor() {
this.$wrap = $('.protected-branches-list');
// Build edit forms
this.$wrap.find('.js-protected-branch-edit-form').each((i, el) => {
new ProtectedBranchEdit({
$wrap: $(el)
class ProtectedBranchEditList {
constructor() {
this.$wrap = $('.protected-branches-list');
// Build edit forms
this.$wrap.find('.js-protected-branch-edit-form').each((i, el) => {
new ProtectedBranchEdit({
$wrap: $(el)
class ProtectedBranchSelect {
class ProtectedBranchDropdown {
constructor(options) {
this.onSelect = options.onSelect;
this.$dropdown = options.$dropdown;
......@@ -74,12 +74,12 @@ class ProtectedBranchSelect {
class ProtectedBranchSelects {
class ProtectedBranchDropdowns {
constructor(options) {
const { $dropdowns, onSelect } = options;
$dropdowns.each((i, el) => {
new ProtectedBranchSelect({
new ProtectedBranchDropdown({
$dropdown: $(el),
onSelect: onSelect
......@@ -675,7 +675,14 @@ pre.light-well {
&.table-bordered {
.settings-message {
margin: 0;
border-radius: 0 0 1px 1px;
padding: 20px 0;
border: none;
.table-bordered {
border-radius: 1px;
th:not(:last-child), td:not(:last-child) {
- if @protected_branches.empty?
%b Protected branch (#{@protected_branches.size})
No branches are protected, protect a branch with the form above.
There are currently no protected braches, protect a branch with the form above.
- else
- can_admin_project = can?(current_user, :admin_project, @project)
%col{ width: "20%" }
%col{ width: "30%" }
%col{ width: "25%" }
%col{ width: "30%" }
%col{ width: "25%" }
%col{ width: "20%" }
%th Protected branch (#{@protected_branches.size})
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