Commit c0574309 authored by Bryce Johnson's avatar Bryce Johnson

Clean up approvals body computed logic.

parent 9e874405
......@@ -7,24 +7,23 @@
props: ['approvedBy', 'approvalsLeft', 'userCanApprove', 'userHasApproved', 'suggestedApprovers', 'widgetLoading'],
computed: {
approvalsRequiredStringified() {
return this.approvalsLeft === 1 ? 'one more approval' :
`${this.approvalsLeft} more approvals`;
const baseString = `${this.approvalsLeft} more approval`;
return this.approvalsLeft === 1 ? baseString : `${baseString}s`;
approverNamesStringified() {
const approvers = this.suggestedApprovers;
return approvers.length === 1 ? approvers[0].name :
approvers.reduce((memo, curr, index) => {
const nextMemo = `${memo}${}`;
const nextMemo = `${memo}${}`;
if (index === approvers.length - 2) { // second to last index
return `${nextMemo} or `;
} else if (index === approvers.length - 1) { // last index
return nextMemo;
if (index === approvers.length - 2) { // second to last index
return `${nextMemo} or `;
} else if (index === approvers.length - 1) { // last index
return nextMemo;
return `${nextMemo}, `;
}, '');
return `${nextMemo}, `;
}, '');
showApproveButton() {
return this.userCanApprove && !this.userHasApproved;
......@@ -41,7 +40,7 @@
template: `
<div class='approvals-body mr-widget-body'>
<h4> Requires {{ approvalsRequiredStringified }}
<span v-if='!!suggestedApprovers.length'> (from {{ approverNamesStringified }}) </span>
<span> (from {{ approverNamesStringified }}) </span>
<div v-if='showApproveButton' class='append-bottom-10'>
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