Commit c20a09a5 authored by Nick Thomas's avatar Nick Thomas

Add a Rake task to fix incorrectly-recorded external diffs

This Rake task should only be used in extremis. Check the docs for more
details on that.
parent d5e1b095
title: Add a Rake task to fix incorrectly-recorded external diffs
merge_request: 36353
type: fixed
......@@ -186,3 +186,51 @@ conditions become true:
These rules strike a balance between space and performance by only storing
frequently-accessed diffs in the database. Diffs that are less likely to be
accessed are moved to external storage instead.
## Correcting incorrectly-migrated diffs
Versions of GitLab earlier than `v13.0.0` would incorrectly record the location
of some merge request diffs when [external diffs in object storage](#object-storage-settings)
were enabled. This mainly affected imported merge requests, and was resolved
with [this merge request](
If you are using object storage, have never used on-disk storage for external
diffs, the "changes" tab for some merge requests fails to load with a 500 error,
and the exception for that error is of this form:
Errno::ENOENT (No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/shared/external-diffs/merge_request_diffs/mr-6167082/diff-8199789)
Then you are affected by this issue. Since it's not possible to safely determine
all these conditions automatically, we've provided a Rake task in GitLab v13.2.0
that you can run manually to correct the data:
**In Omnibus installations:**
sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:external_diffs:force_object_storage
**In installations from source:**
sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake gitlab:external_diffs:force_object_storage RAILS_ENV=production
Environment variables can be provided to modify the behavior of the task. The
available variables are:
| Name | Default value | Purpose |
| ---- | ------------- | ------- |
| `ANSI` | `true` | Use ANSI escape codes to make output more understandable |
| `BATCH_SIZE` | `1000` | Iterate through the table in batches of this size |
| `START_ID` | `nil` | If set, begin scanning at this ID |
| `END_ID` | `nil` | If set, stop scanning at this ID |
| `UPDATE_DELAY` | `1` | Number of seconds to sleep between updates |
The `START_ID` and `END_ID` variables may be used to run the update in parallel,
by assigning different processes to different parts of the table. The `BATCH`
and `UPDATE_DELAY` parameters allow the speed of the migration to be traded off
against concurrent access to the table. The `ANSI` parameter should be set to
false if your terminal does not support ANSI escape codes.
namespace :gitlab do
namespace :external_diffs do
desc "Override external diffs in file storage to be in object storage instead. This does not change the actual location of the data"
task force_object_storage: :environment do |t, args|
ansi = Gitlab::Utils.to_boolean(ENV.fetch('ANSI', true))
batch = ENV.fetch('BATCH_SIZE', 1000)
start_id = ENV.fetch('START_ID', nil)
end_id = ENV.fetch('END_ID', nil)
update_delay = args.fetch('UPDATE_DELAY', 1)
# Use ANSI codes to overwrite the same line repeatedly if supported
newline = ansi ? "\x1B8\x1B[2K" : "\n"
total = 0
# The only useful index on the table is by id, so scan through the whole
# table by that and filter out those we don't want on each relation
MergeRequestDiff.in_batches(of: batch, start: start_id, finish: end_id) do |relation| # rubocop:disable Cop/InBatches
count = relation
.where(stored_externally: true, external_diff_store: ExternalDiffUploader::Store::LOCAL)
.update_all(external_diff_store: ExternalDiffUploader::Store::REMOTE)
total += count
if count > 0
print "#{newline}#{total} updated..."
sleep(update_delay) if update_delay > 0
puts "done!"
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'rake_helper'
RSpec.describe 'gitlab:external_diffs rake tasks' do
before do
Rake.application.rake_require 'tasks/gitlab/external_diffs'
describe 'force_object_storage task' do
it 'forces externally stored merge request diffs to object storage' do
db = create(:merge_request).merge_request_diff
file = create(:merge_request).merge_request_diff.tap { |o| o.update_columns(stored_externally: true, external_diff_store: 1) }
object = create(:merge_request).merge_request_diff.tap { |o| o.update_columns(stored_externally: true, external_diff_store: 2) }
expect(db.reload).not_to be_stored_externally
expect(file.reload).to be_stored_externally
expect(object.reload).to be_stored_externally
expect(file.external_diff_store).to eq(2)
expect(object.external_diff_store).to eq(2)
it 'limits batches according to BATCH_SIZE, START_ID, and END_ID' do
stub_env('START_ID' => 'foo', 'END_ID' => 'bar', 'BATCH_SIZE' => 'baz')
expect(MergeRequestDiff).to receive(:in_batches).with(start: 'foo', finish: 'bar', of: 'baz')
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