Commit c40b4466 authored by Albert Salim's avatar Albert Salim Committed by Lin Jen-Shin

Add `--tiller-namespace` to review-apps helm commands

parent 35425750
......@@ -14,16 +14,18 @@ function deploy_exists() {
function previous_deploy_failed() {
local deploy="${1}"
local namespace="${1}"
local deploy="${2}"
echoinfo "Checking for previous deployment of ${deploy}" true
helm status "${deploy}" >/dev/null 2>&1
helm status --tiller-namespace "${namespace}" "${deploy}" >/dev/null 2>&1
local status=$?
# if `status` is `0`, deployment exists, has a status
if [ $status -eq 0 ]; then
echoinfo "Previous deployment found, checking status..."
deployment_status=$(helm status "${deploy}" | grep ^STATUS | cut -d' ' -f2)
deployment_status=$(helm status --tiller-namespace "${namespace}" "${deploy}" | grep ^STATUS | cut -d' ' -f2)
echoinfo "Previous deployment state: ${deployment_status}"
if [[ "$deployment_status" == "FAILED" || "$deployment_status" == "PENDING_UPGRADE" || "$deployment_status" == "PENDING_INSTALL" ]]; then
......@@ -37,16 +39,17 @@ function previous_deploy_failed() {
function delete_release() {
if [ -z "$CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG" ]; then
local namespace="${KUBE_NAMESPACE}"
local deploy="${CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG}"
if [ -z "$deploy" ]; then
echoerr "No release given, aborting the delete!"
echoinfo "Deleting release '$name'..." true
echoinfo "Deleting release '$deploy'..." true
helm delete --purge "$name"
helm delete --purge --tiller-namespace "${namespace}" "$deploy"
function delete_failed_release() {
......@@ -59,7 +62,7 @@ function delete_failed_release() {
echoinfo "No Review App with ${CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG} is currently deployed."
# Cleanup and previous installs, as FAILED and PENDING_UPGRADE will cause errors with `upgrade`
if previous_deploy_failed "$CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG" ; then
if previous_deploy_failed "${KUBE_NAMESPACE}" "$CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG" ; then
echoinfo "Review App deployment in bad state, cleaning up $CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG"
......@@ -147,7 +150,7 @@ function install_external_dns() {
domain=$(echo "${REVIEW_APPS_DOMAIN}" | awk -F. '{printf "%s.%s", $(NF-1), $NF}')
echoinfo "Installing external DNS for domain ${domain}..." true
if ! deploy_exists "${KUBE_NAMESPACE}" "${release_name}" || previous_deploy_failed "${release_name}" ; then
if ! deploy_exists "${KUBE_NAMESPACE}" "${release_name}" || previous_deploy_failed "${KUBE_NAMESPACE}" "${release_name}" ; then
echoinfo "Installing external-dns Helm chart"
helm repo update
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