Commit c665b845 authored by Mike Lewis's avatar Mike Lewis

Move Content section to style guide

parent 10784261
......@@ -21,24 +21,6 @@ DevOps workflows.
Follow GitLab's [Merge Request Guidelines](../contributing/
## Content: what belongs in the docs
In docs, we share any and all helpful info/processes/tips with customers, but
warn them in specific terms about the potential ramifications of any mentioned
actions. There is no reason to withhold 'risky' steps and store them in another
location; simply include them along with the rest of the docs, with all necessary
detail including specific warnings and caveats.
Any content that is relevant to users or admins may be included. You can freely
include presentations, videos, etc.; no matter who it was originally written for,
if it is helpful to any of our audiences, we can include it.
A `Troubleshooting` section in doc pages is part of the default [template](
for a new page, and can freely be added to any page.
These guidelines help toward the goal of having every user's search of documentation
yield a useful result.
## Merging
Anyone with master access to the affected GitLab project can merge documentation changes.
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