| `AUTO_DEVOPS_ALLOW_TO_FORCE_DEPLOY_V<N>` | From [auto-deploy-image](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/cluster-integration/auto-deploy-image) v1.0.0, if this variable is present, a new major version of chart is forcibly deployed. For more information, see [Ignore warnings and continue deploying](upgrading_auto_deploy_dependencies.md#ignore-warnings-and-continue-deploying). |
| `BUILDPACK_URL` | Buildpack's full URL. [Must point to a URL supported by Pack or Herokuish](#custom-buildpacks). |
| `CANARY_ENABLED` | Used to define a [deploy policy for canary environments](#deploy-policy-for-canary-environments). |
| `BUILDPACK_VOLUMES` | Specify one or more [Buildpack volumes to mount](stages.md#mount-volumes-into-the-build-container). Use a pipe `|` as list separator. |
| `CANARY_PRODUCTION_REPLICAS` | Number of canary replicas to deploy for [Canary Deployments](../../user/project/canary_deployments.md) in the production environment. Takes precedence over `CANARY_REPLICAS`. Defaults to 1. |
| `CANARY_REPLICAS` | Number of canary replicas to deploy for [Canary Deployments](../../user/project/canary_deployments.md). Defaults to 1. |
| `CI_APPLICATION_REPOSITORY` | The repository of container image being built or deployed, `$CI_APPLICATION_REPOSITORY:$CI_APPLICATION_TAG`. For more details, read [Custom container image](#custom-container-image). |