| [Atlassian cloud](https://www.atlassian.com/cloud) | The [GitLab.com for Jira Cloud](https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/1221011/gitlab-com-for-jira-cloud?hosting=cloud&tab=overview) application installed from the [Atlassian Marketplace](https://marketplace.atlassian.com). This offers real-time sync between GitLab and Jira. For more information, see the documentation for the [GitLab.com for Jira Cloud app](connect-app.md). | The [GitLab.com for Jira Cloud](https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/1221011/gitlab-com-for-jira-cloud?hosting=cloud&tab=overview), using a workaround process. See the documentation for [installing the GitLab Jira Cloud application for self-managed instances](connect-app.md#install-the-gitlabcom-for-jira-cloud-app-for-self-managed-instances) for more information. |
| [Atlassian cloud](https://www.atlassian.com/cloud) | The [GitLab.com for Jira Cloud app](https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/1221011/gitlab-com-for-jira-cloud?hosting=cloud&tab=overview) installed from the [Atlassian Marketplace](https://marketplace.atlassian.com). This offers real-time sync between GitLab.com and Jira. For more information, see the documentation for the [GitLab.com for Jira Cloud app](connect-app.md). | The [GitLab.com for Jira Cloud app](https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/1221011/gitlab-com-for-jira-cloud?hosting=cloud&tab=overview), using a workaround process. See the documentation for [installing the GitLab.com for Jira Cloud app for self-managed instances](connect-app.md#install-the-gitlabcom-for-jira-cloud-app-for-self-managed-instances) for more information. |
| Your own server | The [Jira DVCS (distributed version control system) connector](dvcs.md). This syncs data hourly. | The [Jira DVCS Connector](dvcs.md). |
| Your own server | The [Jira DVCS (distributed version control system) connector](dvcs.md). This syncs data hourly. | The [Jira DVCS Connector](dvcs.md). |
Each GitLab project can be configured to connect to an entire Jira instance. That means after
Each GitLab project can be configured to connect to an entire Jira instance. That means after