Commit ca5d0c82 authored by Robert Speicher's avatar Robert Speicher

Add hotkey for "reply with selected text" to Issueable

parent 4603bf50
......@@ -11,9 +11,35 @@ class @ShortcutsIssueable extends ShortcutsNavigation
return false
Mousetrap.bind('r', =>
return false
if isMergeRequest
replyWithSelectedText: ->
if window.getSelection
selected = window.getSelection().toString()
replyField = $('.js-main-target-form #note_note')
return if selected.trim() == ""
# Put a '>' character before each non-empty line in the selection
quote = selected.split("\n"), (val) ->
"> #{val}\n" if val.trim() != ''
# If replyField already has some content, add a newline before our quote
separator = replyField.val().trim() != "" and "\n" or ''
replyField.val (_, current) ->
current + separator + quote.join('') + "\n"
# Trigger autosave for the added text
# Focus the input field
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