Commit ccb9310a authored by Alexander Turinske's avatar Alexander Turinske

Account for all statuses selected edge case

- when selecting all the statuses, now the all option will
  be selected
- update documentation
parent e24169f6
......@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ to set the status for each alert:
By default, the list doesn't display resolved or dismissed alerts. To show these alerts, clear the
checkbox **Hide dismissed alerts**.
![Policy Alert List](img/threat_monitoring_policy_alert_list_v13_9.png)
![Policy Alert List](img/threat_monitoring_policy_alert_list_v13_11.png)
Clicking an alert's name takes the user to the [alert details page](../../../operations/incident_management/
......@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ export default {
handleStatusFilter(status) {
let newFilters;
if (status === this.$options.ALL.key) {
newFilters = { statuses: [] };
} else {
......@@ -72,6 +73,12 @@ export default {
? { statuses: [...this.filters.statuses.filter((s) => s !== status)] }
: { statuses: [...this.filters.statuses, status] };
// If all statuses are selected, select the 'All' option
if (newFilters.statuses.length === Object.entries(STATUSES).length) {
newFilters = { statuses: [] };
isChecked(status) {
......@@ -81,6 +81,14 @@ describe('AlertFilters component', () => {
it('Emits an event with no filters on a select of all the filters', () => {
const MOST_STATUSES = [...Object.keys(STATUSES)].slice(1);
createWrapper({ filters: { statuses: MOST_STATUSES } });
expect(wrapper.emitted('filter-change')[0][0]).toStrictEqual({ statuses: [] });
it('Checks "All" filter if no statuses are selected', () => {
createWrapper({ filters: { statuses: [] } });
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