Commit cf5c8e73 authored by Stan Hu's avatar Stan Hu

Merge branch 'winh-refactoring-issue-template-docs' into 'master'

Add issue template for refactorings

See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab-ce!27889
parents 6a035c60 6ae554bc
## Summary
Please briefly describe what part of the code base needs to be refactored.
## Improvements
Explain the benefits of refactoring this code.
See also
## Risks
Please list features that can break because of this refactoring and how you intend to solve that.
## Involved components
List files or directories that will be changed by the refactoring.
## Optional: Intended side effects
If the refactoring involves changes apart from the main improvements (such as a better UI), list them here.
It may be a good idea to create separate issues and link them here.
## Optional: Missing test coverage
If you are aware of tests that need to be written or adjusted apart from unit tests for the changed components,
please list them here.
/label ~backstage
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