Commit d06c3ac3 authored by Fatih Acet's avatar Fatih Acet

Merge branch '57744-fix-vue-warning-for-is-locked' into 'master'

Make sure isLocked passed to Vue is a boolean

Closes #57744

See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab-ce!25284
parents 94c045bd 880c0db5
......@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
-# haml-lint:disable InlineJavaScript
%script#js-lock-issue-data{ type: "application/json" }= { is_locked: issuable_sidebar[:discussion_locked], is_editable: can_edit_issuable }.to_json.html_safe
%script#js-lock-issue-data{ type: "application/json" }= { is_locked: !!issuable_sidebar[:discussion_locked], is_editable: can_edit_issuable }.to_json.html_safe
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