@@ -77,8 +77,10 @@ neither stable nor versioned yet. For this reason, GitLab only guarantees compat
between corresponding major.minor (X.Y) versions of GitLab and its cluster side
component, `agentk`.
Upgrade your agent installations together with GitLab upgrades: if you install
GitLab version 13.6, use version 13.6.x versions of `agentk`.
Upgrade your agent installations together with GitLab upgrades. To decide which version of `agentk`to install follow:
1. Open the [GITLAB_KAS_VERSION](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/GITLAB_KAS_VERSION) file from the GitLab Repository, which contains the latest `agentk` version associated with the `master` branch.
1. Change the `master` branch and select the Git tag associated with your version. For instance, you could change it to GitLab [v13.5.3-ee release](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/v13.5.3-ee/GITLAB_KAS_VERSION)