Commit d2ab4e9c authored by Jackie Porter's avatar Jackie Porter Committed by Etienne Baqué

Update projects_reporting_ci_cd_back_to_github metric definition

parent 2d12dc1c
......@@ -7312,8 +7312,8 @@ Projects with a GitHub service pipeline enabled
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **`counts.projects_reporting_ci_cd_back_to_github`** |
| `product_section` | ops |
| `product_stage` | |
| `product_group` | `group::verify` |
| `product_stage` | verify |
| `product_group` | `group::continuous_integration` |
| `product_category` | `continuous_integration` |
| `value_type` | number |
| `status` | data_available |
......@@ -7321,7 +7321,6 @@ Projects with a GitHub service pipeline enabled
| `data_source` | Database |
| `distribution` | ee |
| `tier` | premium, ultimate |
| `skip_validation` | true |
## `counts.projects_slack_active`
......@@ -19463,7 +19462,7 @@ Calculated unique users to perform Basic or Advanced searches by week
## ``
Calculated unique users to perform Basic or Advanced searches by month
Total unique users for i_search_total, i_search_advanced, i_search_paid for recent 28 days. This metric is redundant because advanced will be a subset of paid and paid will be a subset of total. i_search_total is more appropriate if you just want the total
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
......@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
key_path: counts.projects_reporting_ci_cd_back_to_github
description: Projects with a GitHub service pipeline enabled
product_section: ops
product_group: group::verify
product_stage: verify
product_group: group::continuous_integration
product_category: continuous_integration
value_type: number
status: data_available
......@@ -14,4 +14,3 @@ distribution:
- premium
- ultimate
skip_validation: true
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