@@ -316,6 +316,11 @@ There are several tools for developing and testing Snowplow Event
**{check-circle}** Available, **{status_preparing}** In progress, **{dotted-circle}** Not Planned
### Preparing your MR for Review
1. For frontend events, in the MR description section, add a screenshot of the event's relevant section using the [Snowplow Analytics Debugger](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/snowplow-analytics-debugg/jbnlcgeengmijcghameodeaenefieedm) Chrome browser extension.
1. For backend events, please use Snowplow Micro and add the output of the Snowplow Micro good events `GET http://localhost:9090/micro/good`.
### Snowplow Analytics Debugger Chrome Extension
Snowplow Analytics Debugger is a browser extension for testing frontend events. This works on production, staging and local development environments.
"4:Deadline Exceeded. debug_error_string:{\"created\":\"@1598938192.005782000\",\"description\":\"Error received from peer unix:/home/git/gitalypraefect.socket\",\"file\":\"src/core/lib/surface/call.cc\",\"file_line\":1055,\"grpc_message\":\"Deadline Exceeded\",\"grpc_status\":4}"