Commit d5c24813 authored by peterhegman's avatar peterhegman

Fix alignment of global alerts

Fix alignment of "Open registration is enabled on your instance" and
"Auto Devops enabled" alerts.

Changelog: fixed
parent 02e5ede1
- return unless show_registration_enabled_user_callout?
%div{ class: [container_class, @content_class, 'gl-pt-5!'] }{ role: 'alert', data: { feature_id: UserCalloutsHelper::REGISTRATION_ENABLED_CALLOUT, dismiss_endpoint: user_callouts_path } }
= sprite_icon('warning', size: 16, css_class: 'gl-alert-icon'){ type: 'button', aria: { label: _('Close') }, data: { testid: 'close-registration-enabled-callout' } }
= sprite_icon('close', size: 16)
= _('Open registration is enabled on your instance.')
= html_escape(_('%{anchorOpen}Learn more%{anchorClose} about how you can customize / disable registration on your instance.')) % { anchorOpen: "<a href=\"#{help_page_path('user/admin_area/settings/sign_up_restrictions')}\">".html_safe, anchorClose: '</a>'.html_safe }
= link_to general_admin_application_settings_path(anchor: 'js-signup-settings'), class: 'btn gl-alert-action btn-info btn-md gl-button' do
= _('View setting')
= render 'shared/global_alert',
title: _('Open registration is enabled on your instance.'),
variant: :warning,
alert_class: 'js-registration-enabled-callout',
alert_data: { feature_id: UserCalloutsHelper::REGISTRATION_ENABLED_CALLOUT, dismiss_endpoint: user_callouts_path },
close_button_data: { testid: 'close-registration-enabled-callout' } do
= html_escape(_('%{anchorOpen}Learn more%{anchorClose} about how you can customize / disable registration on your instance.')) % { anchorOpen: "<a href=\"#{help_page_path('user/admin_area/settings/sign_up_restrictions')}\">".html_safe, anchorClose: '</a>'.html_safe }
= link_to general_admin_application_settings_path(anchor: 'js-signup-settings'), class: 'btn gl-alert-action btn-info btn-md gl-button' do
= _('View setting')
- if show_auto_devops_implicitly_enabled_banner?(project, current_user)
= sprite_icon('information-o', css_class: 'gl-icon gl-alert-icon gl-alert-icon-no-title'){ type: 'button', 'aria-label' => _('Dismiss'), class: 'hide-auto-devops-implicitly-enabled-banner alert-link', data: { project_id: } }
= sprite_icon('close', css_class: 'gl-icon')
= render 'shared/global_alert',
variant: :info,
alert_class: 'qa-auto-devops-banner auto-devops-implicitly-enabled-banner',
close_button_class: 'hide-auto-devops-implicitly-enabled-banner',
close_button_data: { project_id: } do
= s_("AutoDevOps|The Auto DevOps pipeline has been enabled and will be used if no alternative CI configuration file is found.")
- unless Gitlab.config.registry.enabled
= _('Container registry is not enabled on this GitLab instance. Ask an administrator to enable it in order for Auto DevOps to work.')
- unless Gitlab.config.registry.enabled
= _('Container registry is not enabled on this GitLab instance. Ask an administrator to enable it in order for Auto DevOps to work.')
= link_to _('Settings'), project_settings_ci_cd_path(project), class: 'alert-link btn gl-button btn-info'
= link_to _('More information'), help_page_path('topics/autodevops/'), target: '_blank', class: 'alert-link btn gl-button btn-default gl-ml-2'
- icons = { info: 'information-o', warning: 'warning', success: 'check-circle', danger: 'error', tip: 'bulb' }
- title = local_assigns.fetch(:title, nil)
- variant = local_assigns.fetch(:variant, :info)
- alert_class = local_assigns.fetch(:alert_class, nil)
- alert_data = local_assigns.fetch(:alert_data, nil)
- close_button_class = local_assigns.fetch(:close_button_class, nil)
- close_button_data = local_assigns.fetch(:close_button_data, nil)
- icon = icons[variant]
%div{ role: 'alert', class: ["gl-alert-#{variant}", alert_class], data: alert_data }
%div{ class: [container_class, @content_class, 'gl-px-0!'] }
= sprite_icon(icon, size: 16, css_class: "gl-alert-icon#{' gl-alert-icon-no-title' if title.nil?}"){ type: 'button', aria: { label: _('Close') }, class: close_button_class, data: close_button_data }
= sprite_icon('close', size: 16)
- if title
= title
= yield
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