Commit d8d9d63b authored by Miranda Fluharty's avatar Miranda Fluharty Committed by Filipa Lacerda

Port new group runner kubernetes section to EE

EE port needed due to gitlab.pot conflicts
parent b3078831
%h4= _('Set up a %{type} Runner automatically') % { type: type }
- link_to_help_page = link_to(_('Learn more about Kubernetes'),
target: '_blank',
rel: 'noopener noreferrer')
= _('You can easily install a Runner on a Kubernetes cluster. %{link_to_help_page}').html_safe % { link_to_help_page: link_to_help_page }
= _('Click the button below to begin the install process by navigating to the Kubernetes page')
= _('Select an existing Kubernetes cluster or create a new one')
= _('From the Kubernetes cluster details view, install Runner from the applications list')
= link_to _('Install Runner on Kubernetes'),
class: 'btn btn-info'
......@@ -10,6 +10,10 @@
-# Proper policies should be implemented per
- if can?(current_user, :admin_pipeline, @group)
= render partial: 'ci/runner/how_to_setup_runner_automatically',
locals: { type: 'group',
clusters_path: group_clusters_path(@group) }
= render partial: 'ci/runner/how_to_setup_runner',
locals: { registration_token: @group.runners_token,
type: 'group',
......@@ -2,28 +2,9 @@
= _('Specific Runners')
%h4= _('Set up a specific Runner automatically')
- link_to_help_page = link_to(_('Learn more about Kubernetes'),
target: '_blank',
rel: 'noopener noreferrer')
= _('You can easily install a Runner on a Kubernetes cluster. %{link_to_help_page}').html_safe % { link_to_help_page: link_to_help_page }
= _('Click the button below to begin the install process by navigating to the Kubernetes page')
= _('Select an existing Kubernetes cluster or create a new one')
= _('From the Kubernetes cluster details view, install Runner from the applications list')
= link_to _('Install Runner on Kubernetes'),
class: 'btn btn-info'
= render partial: 'ci/runner/how_to_setup_runner_automatically',
locals: { type: 'specific',
clusters_path: project_clusters_path(@project) }
= render partial: 'ci/runner/how_to_setup_runner',
locals: { registration_token: @project.runners_token,
title: Add kubernetes section to group runner settings
merge_request: 16338
type: added
......@@ -14044,10 +14044,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Set up CI/CD"
msgstr ""
msgid "Set up a %{type} Runner manually"
msgid "Set up a %{type} Runner automatically"
msgstr ""
msgid "Set up a specific Runner automatically"
msgid "Set up a %{type} Runner manually"
msgstr ""
msgid "Set up assertions/attributes/claims (email, first_name, last_name) and NameID according to %{docsLinkStart}the documentation %{icon}%{docsLinkEnd}"
......@@ -272,6 +272,12 @@ describe 'Runners' do
expect(page).to have_content 'This group does not provide any group Runners yet'
it 'user can see a link to install runners on kubernetes clusters' do
visit group_settings_ci_cd_path(group)
expect(page).to have_link('Install Runner on Kubernetes', href: group_clusters_path(group))
context 'group with a runner' do
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