Commit dd27e4a9 authored by Marcia Ramos's avatar Marcia Ramos

Merge branch '31833-add-database-guides-on-not-null-constraints' into 'master'

Documentation: Add database guides for NOT NULL constraints

Closes #31833

See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!32375
parents c2fc5a4b 03497cf0
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
- [Adding database indexes](../
- [Foreign keys & associations](../
- [Adding a foreign key constraint to an existing column](
- [`NOT NULL` constraints](
- [Strings and the Text data type](
- [Single table inheritance](../
- [Polymorphic associations](../
# `NOT NULL` constraints
> [Introduced]( in GitLab 13.0.
All attributes that should not have `NULL` as a value, should be defined as `NOT NULL`
columns in the database.
Depending on the application logic, `NOT NULL` columns should either have a `presence: true`
validation defined in their Model or have a default value as part of their database definition.
As an example, the latter can be true for boolean attributes that should always have a non-`NULL`
value, but have a well defined default value that the application does not need to enforce each
time (for example, `active=true`).
## Create a new table with `NOT NULL` columns
When adding a new table, all `NOT NULL` columns should be defined as such directly inside `create_table`.
For example, consider a migration that creates a table with two `NOT NULL` columns,
class CreateDbGuides < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
DOWNTIME = false
def change
create_table :db_guides do |t|
t.bigint :stars, default: 0, null: false
t.bigint :guide, null: false
## Add a `NOT NULL` column to an existing table
With PostgreSQL 11 being the minimum version since GitLab 13.0, adding columns with `NULL` and/or
default values has become much easier and the standard `add_column` helper should be used in all cases.
For example, consider a migration that adds a new `NOT NULL` column `active` to table `db_guides`,
class AddExtendedTitleToSprints < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
DOWNTIME = false
def change
add_column :db_guides, :active, :boolean, default: true, null: false
## Add a `NOT NULL` constraint to an existing column
Adding `NOT NULL` to existing database columns requires multiple steps split into at least two
different releases:
1. Release `N.M` (current release)
- Ensure the constraint is enforced at the application level (i.e. add a model validation).
- Add a post-deployment migration to add the `NOT NULL` constraint with `validate: false`.
- Add a post-deployment migration to fix the existing records.
NOTE: **Note:**
Depending on the size of the table, a background migration for cleanup could be required in the next release.
See the [`NOT NULL` constraints on large tables]( section for more information.
- Create an issue for the next milestone to validate the `NOT NULL` constraint.
1. Release `N.M+1` (next release)
- Validate the `NOT NULL` constraint using a post-deployment migration.
### Example
Considering a given release milestone, such as 13.0, a model validation has been added into `epic.rb`
to require a description:
class Epic < ApplicationRecord
validates :description, presence: true
The same constraint should be added at the database level for consistency purposes.
We only want to enforce the `NOT NULL` constraint without setting a default, as we have decided
that all epics should have a user-generated description.
After checking our production database, we know that there are `epics` with `NULL` descriptions,
so we can not add and validate the constraint in one step.
NOTE: **Note:**
Even if we did not have any epic with a `NULL` description, another instance of GitLab could have
such records, so we would follow the same process either way.
#### Prevent new invalid records (current release)
We first add the `NOT NULL` constraint with a `NOT VALID` parameter, which enforces consistency
when new records are inserted or current records are updated.
In the example above, the existing epics with a `NULL` description will not be affected and you'll
still be able to update records in the `epics` table. However, when you try to update or insert
an epic without providing a description, the constraint causes a database error.
Adding or removing a `NOT NULL` clause requires that any application changes are deployed _first_.
Thus, adding a `NOT NULL` constraint to an existing column should happen in a post-deployment migration.
Still in our example, for the 13.0 milestone example (current), we add the `NOT NULL` constraint
with `validate: false` in a post-deployment migration,
class AddNotNullConstraintToEpicsDescription < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
include Gitlab::Database::MigrationHelpers
DOWNTIME = false
def up
# This will add the `NOT NULL` constraint WITHOUT validating it
add_not_null_constraint :epics, :description, validate: false
def down
# Down is required as `add_not_null_constraint` is not reversible
remove_not_null_constraint :epics, :description
#### Data migration to fix existing records (current release)
The approach here depends on the data volume and the cleanup strategy. The number of records that
must be fixed on is a nice indicator that will help us decide whether to use a
post-deployment migration or a background data migration:
- If the data volume is less than `1000` records, then the data migration can be executed within the post-migration.
- If the data volume is higher than `1000` records, it's advised to create a background migration.
When unsure about which option to use, please contact the Database team for advice.
Back to our example, the epics table is not considerably large nor frequently accessed,
so we are going to add a post-deployment migration for the 13.0 milestone (current),
class CleanupEpicsWithNullDescription < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
include Gitlab::Database::MigrationHelpers
# With BATCH_SIZE=1000 and epics.count=29500 on
# - 30 iterations will be run
# - each requires on average ~150ms
# Expected total run time: ~5 seconds
class Epic < ActiveRecord::Base
include EachBatch
self.table_name = 'epics'
def up
Epic.each_batch(of: BATCH_SIZE) do |relation|
where('description IS NULL').
update_all(description: 'No description')
def down
# no-op : can't go back to `NULL` without first dropping the `NOT NULL` constraint
#### Validate the text limit (next release)
Validating the `NOT NULL` constraint will scan the whole table and make sure that each record is correct.
Still in our example, for the 13.1 milestone (next), we run the `validate_not_null_constraint`
migration helper in a final post-deployment migration,
class ValidateNotNullConstraintOnEpicsDescription < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
include Gitlab::Database::MigrationHelpers
DOWNTIME = false
def up
validate_not_null_constraint :epics, :description
def down
# no-op
## `NOT NULL` constraints on large tables
If you have to clean up a text column for a really [large table](
(for example, the `artifacts` in `ci_builds`), your background migration will go on for a while and
it will need an additional [background migration cleaning up](../
in the release after adding the data migration.
In that rare case you will need 3 releases end-to-end:
1. Release `N.M` - Add the `NOT NULL` constraint and the background-migration to fix the existing records.
1. Release `N.M+1` - Cleanup the background migration.
1. Release `N.M+2` - Validate the `NOT NULL` constraint.
For these cases, please consult the database team early in the update cycle. The `NOT NULL`
constraint may not be required or other options could exist that do not affect really large
or frequently accessed tables.
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ When adding a new table, the limits for all text columns should be added in the
the table creation.
For example, consider a migration that creates a table with two text columns,
class CreateDbGuides < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ frequently accessed table may take minutes in and requires the use of
For these reasons, it is advised to add the text limit on a separate migration than the `add_column` one.
For example, consider a migration that adds a new text column `extended_title` to table `sprints`,
class AddExtendedTitleToSprints < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
......@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ end
A second migration should follow the first one with a limit added to `extended_title`,
class AddTextLimitToSprintsExtendedTitle < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
......@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ validates :title_html, length: { maximum: 1024 }
We can also update the database in the same milestone by adding the text limit with `validate: false`
in a post-deployment migration,
class AddTextLimitMigration < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
......@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ When unsure about which option to use, please contact the Database team for advi
Back to our example, the issues table is considerably large and frequently accessed, so we are going
to add a background migration for the 13.0 milestone (current),
class ScheduleCapTitleLengthOnIssues < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
......@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ Validating the text limit will scan the whole table and make sure that each reco
Still in our example, for the 13.1 milestone (next), we run the `validate_text_limit` migration
helper in a final post-deployment migration,
class ValidateTextLimitMigration < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
......@@ -552,6 +552,12 @@ operations that don't require `disable_ddl_transaction!`.
You can read more about adding [foreign key constraints to an existing column](database/
## `NOT NULL` constraints
> [Introduced]( in GitLab 13.0.
See the style guide on [`NOT NULL` constraints](database/ for more information.
## Adding Columns With Default Values
With PostgreSQL 11 being the minimum version since GitLab 13.0, adding columns with default values has become much easier and
......@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ With [Canary](
## Changing Column Constraints
Adding or removing a NOT NULL clause (or another constraint) can typically be
Adding or removing a `NOT NULL` clause (or another constraint) can typically be
done without requiring downtime. However, this does require that any application
changes are deployed _first_. Thus, changing the constraints of a column should
happen in a post-deployment migration.
......@@ -143,35 +143,11 @@ happen in a post-deployment migration.
NOTE: Avoid using `change_column` as it produces an inefficient query because it re-defines
the whole column type.
To add a NOT NULL constraint, use the `add_not_null_constraint` migration helper:
You can check the following guides for each specific use case:
# A post-deployment migration in db/post_migrate
class AddNotNull < ActiveRecord::Migration[4.2]
include Gitlab::Database::MigrationHelpers
def up
add_not_null_constraint :users, :username
def down
remove_not_null_constraint :users, :username
If the column to be updated requires cleaning first (e.g. there are `NULL` values), you should:
1. Add the `NOT NULL` constraint with `validate: false`
`add_not_null_constraint :users, :username, validate: false`
1. Clean up the data with a data migration
1. Validate the `NOT NULL` constraint with a followup migration
`validate_not_null_constraint :users, :username`
- [Adding foreign-key constraints](
- [Adding `NOT NULL` constraints](database/
- [Adding limits to text columns](database/
## Changing Column Types
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