=_('The Advanced Search in GitLab is a powerful search service that saves you time. Instead of creating duplicate code and wasting time, you can now search for code within other teams that can help your own project.')
=s_('Promotions|Burndown Charts are visual representations of the progress of completing a milestone. At a glance, you see the current state for the completion a given milestone. Without them, you would have to organize the data from the milestone and plot it yourself to have the same sense of progress.')
=s_('Promotions|With Contribution Analytics you can have an overview for the activity of issues, merge requests, and push events of your organization and its members.')
=s_('Promotions|Epics let you manage your portfolio of projects more efficiently and with less effort by tracking groups of issues that share a theme, across projects and milestones.')
=_('Webhooks allow you to trigger a URL if, for example, new code is pushed or a new issue is created. You can configure webhooks to listen for specific events like pushes, issues or merge requests. Group webhooks will apply to all projects in a group, allowing you to standardize webhook functionality across your entire group.')
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ RSpec.describe 'Promotions', :js do
click_link'Learn more'
expect(page).tohave_link'Try it for free',href: new_trial_registration_path(glm_source: 'gitlab.com',glm_content: 'discover-issue-weights'),class: 'issue-weights-trial-cta'
expect(page).tohave_link'Try it for free',href: new_trial_registration_path(glm_source: 'gitlab.com',glm_content: 'issue_weights'),class: 'promotion-trial-cta'