Commit df9f14b3 authored by Amparo Luna's avatar Amparo Luna Committed by Marcia Ramos

Add more context to the documentation about removing a FF locally

parent cd255a09
......@@ -410,11 +410,21 @@ Feature.enable(:feature_flag_name, Project.find_by_full_path("root/my-project"))
### Removing a feature flag locally (in development)
When manually enabling or disabling a feature flag from the Rails console, its default value gets overwritten.
Once you have manually enabled or disabled a feature flag to test in your local environment,
the flag's default value gets overwritten and it takes precedence over the `default_enabled` value.
This can cause confusion when changing the flag's `default_enabled` attribute.
To reset the feature flag to the default status, you can remove it in the rails console (`rails c`)
as follows:
For example, flags are commonly enabled and disabled several times during the development process.
When we finally enable the flag by default, we set `default_enabled: true` in the YAML file.
- If the flag was manually enabled before setting `default_enabled: true`, the feature will be enabled.
Not because of the `default_enabled: true` value of the flag but because it was manually enabled.
- If the flag was manually disabled before setting `default_enabled: true`, the feature will
remain disabled. The `default_enabled: true` value does not take precendence over the explicit `false`
value set when disabling it manually.
To reset the feature flag to the default status set in its YAML file, remove it using the Rails console
(`rails c`) as follows:
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