Commit e1c52310 authored by Rémy Coutable's avatar Rémy Coutable Committed by Albert Salim

ci: Make 'rspec:feature-flags' fail for MRs with no Slack notification

Signed-off-by: default avatarRémy Coutable <>
parent db40ac8c
......@@ -502,7 +502,6 @@ rspec:feature-flags:
- .coverage-base
- .rails:rules:rspec-feature-flags
stage: post-test
allow_failure: true
# We cannot use needs since it would mean needing 84 jobs (since most are parallelized)
# so we use `dependencies` here.
......@@ -522,7 +521,11 @@ rspec:feature-flags:
- memory-on-boot
- run_timed_command "bundle install --jobs=$(nproc) --path=vendor --retry=3 --quiet --without default development test production puma unicorn kerberos metrics omnibus ed25519"
- 'run_timed_command "bundle exec scripts/used-feature-flags" || (scripts/slack master-broken "☠️ \`${CI_JOB_NAME}\` failed! ☠️ See ${CI_JOB_URL}" ci_failing "GitLab Bot" && exit 1)'
- if [ "$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH" == "$CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH" ]; then
run_timed_command "bundle exec scripts/used-feature-flags" || (scripts/slack master-broken "☠️ \`${CI_JOB_NAME}\` failed! ☠️ See ${CI_JOB_URL}" ci_failing "GitLab Bot" && exit 1);
run_timed_command "bundle exec scripts/used-feature-flags";
# EE/FOSS: default refs (MRs, master, schedules) jobs #
......@@ -879,6 +879,7 @@
- <<: *if-not-ee
when: never
- <<: *if-master-schedule-2-hourly
allow_failure: true
- <<: *if-merge-request-title-run-all-rspec
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