Commit e2bdf9dc authored by Alexander Tanayno's avatar Alexander Tanayno Committed by Amy Qualls

Tone and style revisions to text

Clean up word wrapping and word choice to bring the document closer
to GitLab tone and style.
parent 0bfb167c
......@@ -413,3 +413,78 @@ This basic GitOps example deploys NGINX:
- [Configuration repository](
- [Manifest repository](
- [Install GitLab Runner](
## Troubleshooting
If you face any issues while using GitLab Kubernetes Agent, you can read the
service logs with the following commands:
- KAS pod logs - Tail these logs with the
`kubectl logs -f -l=app=kas -n <YOUR-GITLAB-NAMESPACE>`
command. In Omnibus GitLab, the logs reside in `/var/log/gitlab/gitlab-kas/`.
- Agent pod logs - Tail these logs with the
`kubectl logs -f -l=app=gitlab-agent -n <YOUR-DESIRED-NAMESPACE>` command.
### KAS logs - GitOps: failed to get project info
{"level":"warn","time":"2020-10-30T08:37:26.123Z","msg":"GitOps: failed to get project info","agent_id":4,"project_id":"root/kas-manifest001","error":"error kind: 0; status: 404"}
This error is shown if the specified manifest project `root/kas-manifest001`
doesn't exist, or if a project is private. To fix it, make sure the project exists
and its visibility is [set to public](../../../public_access/
### KAS logs - Configuration file not found
time="2020-10-29T04:44:14Z" level=warning msg="Config: failed to fetch" agent_id=2 error="configuration file not found: \".gitlab/agents/test-agent/config.yaml\
This error is shown if the path to the configuration project was specified incorrectly,
or if the path to `config.yaml` inside the project is not valid.
### Agent logs - Transport: Error while dialing failed to WebSocket dial
{"level":"warn","time":"2020-11-04T10:14:39.368Z","msg":"GetConfiguration failed","error":"rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = connection error: desc = \"transport: Error while dialing failed to WebSocket dial: failed to send handshake request: Get \\\"https://gitlab-kas:443/-/kubernetes-agent\\\": dial tcp: lookup gitlab-kas on no such host\""}
This error is shown if there are some connectivity issues between the address
specified as `kas-address`, and your Agent pod. To fix it, make sure that you
specified the `kas-address` correctly.
### Agent logs - ValidationError(Deployment.metadata
{"level":"info","time":"2020-10-30T08:56:54.329Z","msg":"Synced","project_id":"root/kas-manifest001","resource_key":"apps/Deployment/kas-test001/nginx-deployment","sync_result":"error validating data: [ValidationError(Deployment.metadata): unknown field \"replicas\" in io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta, ValidationError(Deployment.metadata): unknown field \"selector\" in io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta, ValidationError(Deployment.metadata): unknown field \"template\" in io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta]"}
This error is shown if your `manifest.yaml` file is malformed, and Kubernetes can't
create specified objects. Make sure that your `manifest.yaml` file is valid. You
may try using it to create objects in Kubernetes directly for more troubleshooting.
### Agent logs - Error while dialing failed to WebSocket dial: failed to send handshake request
{"level":"warn","time":"2020-10-30T09:50:51.173Z","msg":"GetConfiguration failed","error":"rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = connection error: desc = \"transport: Error while dialing failed to WebSocket dial: failed to send handshake request: Get \\\"https://GitLabhost.tld:443/-/kubernetes-agent\\\": net/http: HTTP/1.x transport connection broken: malformed HTTP response \\\"\\\\x00\\\\x00\\\\x06\\\\x04\\\\x00\\\\x00\\\\x00\\\\x00\\\\x00\\\\x00\\\\x05\\\\x00\\\\x00@\\\\x00\\\"\""}
This error is shown if you configured `wss` as `kas-address` on the agent side,
but KAS on the server side is not available via `wss`. To fix it, make sure the
same schemes are configured on both sides.
It's not possible to set the `grpc` scheme due to the issue
[It is not possible to configure KAS to work with grpc without directly editing GitLab KAS deployment]( To use `grpc` while the
issue is in progress, directly edit the deployment with the
`kubectl edit deployment gitlab-kas` command, and change `--listen-websocket=true` to `--listen-websocket=false`. After running that command, you should be able to use
#### Agent logs - Decompressor is not installed for grpc-encoding
{"level":"warn","time":"2020-11-05T05:25:46.916Z","msg":"GetConfiguration.Recv failed","error":"rpc error: code = Unimplemented desc = grpc: Decompressor is not installed for grpc-encoding \"gzip\""}
This error is shown if the version of the agent is newer that the version of KAS.
To fix it, make sure that both `agentk` and KAS use the same versions.
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