Commit e3fa463d authored by Eric Brinkman's avatar Eric Brinkman Committed by Luke Bennett

Update Cycle Analytics documentation

Removed duplicate info.
Update pipeline health to cycle analytics.
Updated screenshots.
parent 20805bed
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
.wrapper{ "v-show" => "!isLoading && !hasError" }
{{ __('Pipeline Health') }}
{{ __('Recent Project Activity') }}
......@@ -3,45 +3,40 @@
> [Introduced][ce-5986] in GitLab 8.12. Further features were added in GitLab
Cycle Analytics measures the time it takes to go from an [idea to production] for
each project you have. This is achieved by not only indicating the total time it
takes to reach that point, but the total time is broken down into the
multiple stages an idea has to pass through to be shipped.
Cycle Analytics measures the time spent to go from an [idea to production] for
each of your projects. Cycle Analytics displays the median time for an idea to
reach production, along with the time typically spent in each DevOps stage along the way.
Cycle Analytics is useful in order to quickly determine the velocity of a given
project. It points to bottlenecks in the development process, enabling management
to uncover, triage, and root-cause slowdowns in the software development life cycle.
Cycle Analytics is tightly coupled with the [GitLab flow] and
calculates a separate median for each stage.
## Overview
You can find the Cycle Analytics page under your project's **Pipelines ➔ Cycle
You can find the Cycle Analytics page under your project's **Project ➔ Cycle
Analytics** tab.
![Cycle Analytics landing page](img/cycle_analytics_landing_page.png)
You can see that there are seven stages in total:
There are seven stages that are tracked as part of the Cycle Analytics calculations.
- **Issue** (Tracker)
- Median time from issue creation until given a milestone or list label
(first assignment, any milestone, milestone date or assignee is not required)
- Time to schedule an issue (by milestone or by adding it to an issue board)
- **Plan** (Board)
- Median time from giving an issue a milestone or label until pushing the
first commit to the branch
- Time to first commit
- **Code** (IDE)
- Median time from the first commit to the branch until the merge request is
- Time to create a merge request
- **Test** (CI)
- Median total test time for all commits/merges
- Time it takes GitLab CI/CD to test your code
- **Review** (Merge Request/MR)
- Median time from merge request creation until the merge request is merged
(closed merge requests won't be taken into account)
- Time spent on code review
- **Staging** (Continuous Deployment)
- Median time from when the merge request got merged until the deploy to
production (production is last stage/environment)
- Time between merging and deploying to production
- **Production** (Total)
- Sum of all the above stages' times excluding the Test (CI) time. To clarify,
it's not so much that CI time is "excluded", but rather CI time is already
counted in the review stage since CI is done automatically. Most of the
other stages are purely sequential, but **Test** is not.
- Total lifecycle time; i.e. the velocity of the project or team
## How the data is measured

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180 KB | W: 0px | H: 0px

  • 2-up
  • Swipe
  • Onion skin
......@@ -5413,9 +5413,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pipeline"
msgstr ""
msgid "Pipeline Health"
msgstr ""
msgid "Pipeline Schedule"
msgstr ""
......@@ -6202,6 +6199,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Real-time features"
msgstr ""
msgid "Recent Project Activity"
msgstr ""
msgid "Recent searches"
msgstr ""
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